Chapter 3

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The next day I left early in the morning and went shopping, I was using my bug since dad wouldn't lend me his awesome car. I needed to get out of that house before I go crazy bored and also an escape to avoid my neighbor. I was absolutely loving the L.A massive mall. In my town we did have quiet a gigantic mall but this is beyond it! The stores were big and oh my God so many cute shoes everywhere, I ended up buying stuff from every one of the stores. I realized I was a little late and might have missed the movie, ah shit! I think I screwed this shit up. I headed to the parking lot which was sorta empty and this creepy feeling rushed through me, I was scared I'd see him standing there as ghostly as he has always been. But I was wrong what happened wasn't that.

"Hey there sexy lady," said a drunk man accompanied by two other guys.

"Step back!" I said trying to sound brave but I was deep shit scared.

"What's the rush, you can stay a little longer and chat," said the second man and he grabbed me by my wrist and made my bags fall to the floor.

"Stay away from me!" I started punching them with all my might but I wasn't strong enough, one of the guys was already at my neck while the other was caressing my legs, I was so disgusted I couldn't stop crying. The third man had already taken his pants down and the other two positioned me to be raped.

"Stay away from her!" Said a familiar voice, I had my eyes closed the entire time while hearing the punches and the three men begging to be let go. But this guy who I recognized the voice of knocked them out.

"Who are you?" i said with my eyes tightly closed.

"Hey, Alexis you can open your eyes now," he said as soon as he embraced me, since I was partly naked.

"Oh my God, Evan!" I hugged him, I have never felt so happy to see my annoying neighbor. "Evan, you save my life. Thank you." i said with my voice breaking down.

"Hey its ok, I am glad I came to look for you, you can relax now I won't let anything happen to you. Here," he said handing me a shirt he took from one of the bags.

"Thanks Again," I said having trouble to grab the shirt and put it on.

"Let me help you, sorry." He said helping me put on my shirt.

"I don't know what happened, it was all so fast and then boom and you came and I can't stop thanking you Evan." i said crying. "Where did they go?" i was sure they were knocked out.

"They might have run away the second I came to you," he said helping me up from the ground since I threw myself down when I was released by those disgusting drunks. "We need to get you home, give me your keys, your dad told me you'd be here." i just nodded and handed him my bag since I was shaking too much to even open it. "Come," he held me all the way to the car.

"I don't know how to tell my dad," I said but I felt like I was fading away.

"Alexis?" He said before starting the car and faced me. "Hey don't faint!" He said sounding really concerned.

"Say what? I'm ok." I said as if he was crazy, I wasn't going to faint.

"Hey wake up Al," I heard this distant voice.

"Derek?" I said before openin my eyes.

"No, it's me Evan." He said sounding a little disappointed.

"Sorry, you sounded a hella lot like Derek. Shoot! Sorry again." I am dumb as fuck really.

"It's ok, how are you feeling?" He said smiling.

"Good, hmm how did we get here?" I realized I was in my bed.

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