Chapter 2

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"Here we are kiddo," said my dad as soon as I took off my earphones.

"Wow dad, its gigantic!" I said getting off the car and being completely paralyzed by the beauty of our new home.

"I knew you'd like it," he chuckled.

"I haven't said that" I said still my eyes fixed on the house.

"Your face, it shows you do," he patted my head.

"Yeah, well let's build our life dad!" he smiled at me and we entered the house.

A few days later I was laying on the grass in my backyard, tired since dad and I have been cleaning and placing stuff in and out of this gigantic place.

"Hey there, neighbor," a boy said by the fence that divided our backyards.

"Hey, I'm Alexis," I said sitting up and feeling kind of uneasy.

"I'm Evan, nice to meet you, beautiful" he smiled.

"Alexis will do just fine. Do I know you?" I had to ask, he seemed oddly familiar.

"I wouldn't have forgotten if we did, Alexis." He smiled and still seemed so similar to someone.

"Well yeah, Evan, sorry I was being kinda rude, let's start over," I smiled. "Hi I'm Alexis Young, But you can call me Al, everybody does."

"Hi Al, I'm Evan Ni-" he paused, "Nolan, Evan Nolan. Its a pleasure to meet you." He smiled again.

"Yeah ehh well I got to go now but You can just come by anytime if you want and well we can umm have a chat perhaps?" I was trying to be nice and hoping he'd just go away.

"I will be visiting soon then, see ya" and he was gone.

This dude, was really cute, he was blonde and had this deep dark eyes that gave him some sort of evil yet sexy look and his dimples when he smiled, he was an oh my god and I only saw his face and head since he was on the other side of the fence I can't imagine how he looks completely. But despite all that, he freaked me out, for some reason I feel he isn't as gorgeous as his face says. I don't know if I even wanna befriend him.

"Al?" Said my dad from the door that leads to the backyard.

I gasped. "Dad! What did I say about sneaking on me?!" I went to the door.

"Sorry honey but you looked like you were in the other world." He said in a spooky voice.

"Yeah, we moved out." I chuckled.

"Yeah that we did. Come on in I made chicken breast with mashed potatoes!" He said in a surprise voice.

"You know thats my fave," I ran inside.

"The neighbors stopped me on my way out to work today in the morning," said my dad with his mouth full of food.

"Really? What they said?" I said with my mouth full too.

"They invited us to dinner at their house tomorrow, I said yes."

"Ok, as long as they seemed nice," I said. "Did they?"

"Yes and also shy and nervous," he chuckled.

"Ah well, do I have a choice?" He shook his head. "Ah hell."

As I was laying in bed after a good movie with my dad I was feeling uneasy and I can't be blamed due to all this dreams and such. And lately they had gone worse but he would say he loves me, which I totally don't believe. But this time I didn't dream, I had what is called, a vision. Like those weird things you see when you think you are asleep but they are just stuff made up by your sleepiness yet you are very much awake.

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