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"the Hogwarts Giant Squid" 

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"the Hogwarts Giant Squid" 



It's 7:20 and I am wondering what I am doing awake so early. No, I no exactly what I, doing. I'm wondering how I'm going to do my training sessions with Dimitri while we're at Hogwarts. I stopped outside his door and knocked. No answer. I knocked louder. No answer.

'You no what screw this,' I thought.

I pushed open the door and saw Dimitri asleep in bed. Ok so he looked so cute sleeping, but I couldn't pass off this perfect opportunity. I creeped over to him and was about to flip him off the mattress when his hands grabbed hold of my waist and flipped my over his body and onto the floor on the other side of the bed. I looked up to see him laughing.

"How do you still beat me even when your fucking asleep!" I exclaimed, glaring at him.

"Could it be my natural talents, awesome muscle and handsome face," Dimitri smirked towards me.
"I don't think that's it," I smirked back at him. He scowled at me.

"Anyways why are you here?"
"Do you not want to see me," I pouted.
"Not at," he check his clock. "7:27 in the morning. Make that 7:28." I simply rolled my eyes.
"I was wondering what we are going to do about my training sessions while we're away." I told him.

"When we get to Hogwarts and have settled in I will tell you some times and places and we will train then," he said.
"Kay," I replied brightly.
"How can you be so happy this early in the morning?" He groaned while I giggled. "Actually. Can you leave so I can go back to sleep please."
"Fine," I mumbled walking out of the room.

______________TIME SKIP TO ABOUT 2:57 PM____________________


"How much longer?" Rose whined for the fiftieth time in five minutes.
"Quit complaining already, it's getting annoying," Christian said for the fiftieth time. I knew what was coming next.
"Your so mean to me Ozera," Rose mock cried. Knew it. They had been saying those same three sentences for a whole five times. It was even more annoying than Roses complaining. And that's saying something. We were all standing outside St Vladamirs Academy waiting for Professor Dumbledore to come and take us to his school. By we I mean Rose, Lissa, Dimitri, Christian, Alberta, Headmistress Kirova, her guardian Gabriela, two guardians I don't no but I think their names are Jake and Ryan, and then me.
"How much longer?" Rose started. Here we go again.
"Quit complan-" Christian began.
"Finish that sentence and I will personally cut off your 'baby maker' and then feed it to Hogwarts Giant Squid In the Black Lake," Lissa said with a 'sweet smile'. "And yes I read some books from Headmistress Kirova on Hogwarts. Shut up," she said as some of us started to snigger. "I'm a worrier."

Suddenly there was a whoosh and Professor Dumbledore was standing in front of us.

"Three pm exactly," he smiled at his watch. "Come along now." He placed an old plant pot on the ground. "Everyone grab onto it and do not let go until I tell you tell to." We all grabbed on and stared at Dumbledore. All of a sudden the plant pot was in the air and we were spinning very fast through the air. Three times shocked in 24 hours. Wow.

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