Ch.2: Where are We

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Chapter contains: Beating and Rape 


My eyes opened and I looked around the room or the place we were in. I saw Niall doing the same thing. He was the only one up as of right now. He looked as confused as I did. "Where are we" Niall asked me and I shook my head. "I don't know" I answered him. I tried to move but I saw I was tied up and so was everybody else. "I'm really scared Liam" Niall mumbled to me and I sighed out. "It's going to be okay Niall" I tried to comfort him but truth to be told I was beyond scared for my life and each of the boys lives. "WAKE UP BOYS" A guy with a booming voice came into the room. I couldn't recognize the voice at all. Louis  and Harry instantly woke up. We all looked at each other. "Liam Smith" The guy stepped up to me and I gulped and looked at him. "Who is Liam Smith" Niall asked me and I looked down at my feet. "Oh, this is rich. You didn't even tell them your real name" The guy grabbed my chin and bent down to my face. "Don't touch me" I spat out to the guy. I wasn't even remotely scared of him because whoever this is.  The guy slapped me straight across my face. "Don't talk back. I thought your father taught you that" The guy snapped at me. He got up and he left the room. "Liam what is he talking about" Niall asked me and I just sighed. "My real name is Liam James Smith but I changed it to Liam Payne" I informed them and these guards came in and untied us. All four of us sat next to each other. "So why you changed it" Louis asked me and I leaned my head against the wall. "Louis I don't want to discuss this" I responded to him. "Are you fucking me. Look around Liam. Those guys know you. I think you owe us answers" Louis looked at me angrily. "Leave me alone Louis" I glared at him. "He's right Liam. Those guys seem to know a lot about you" Harry commented to me and I rolled my eyes. "And what's your point" I crossed my arms. "I just think you know those people" Harry looked down at his lap. I didn't want to talk about my past. They never asked about it before so why were they talking about it now. "We just want answers Liam" Harry mumbled to me and Niall was so quiet. I was expecting Niall to defend me. The door opened and we all looked up at the door. "Liam Smith, so nice to see you again" The guy told me and I bit my lap. "Lucas" I mumbled out loud. "Awe Liam how nice that you remembered me" Lucas smirked at me. I stand up from the floor. "Really Lucas you kidnaps us. what is wrong with you" I yelled at him. "You better watch yourself Liam Smith or should I say Liam Payne" Lucas stated to me and I felt a sense of anger. "Remember AnnaBell" Lucas whispered in my ears. I felt the tears build up in my eyes. "Really that's why you doing this because I did something you didn't agree with" I screamed at him before pushing him and he fell down. "I HATE YOU" I screamed at him before his bodyguards came and pulled me away from Lucas. The bodyguards took me to another room. I heard Niall, Harry and Louis all screaming for them to bring me back. "You see my boss told me I could whatever I want to you" Bodyguard 1 told me and in that moment I began to get scared and worried.  I looked over at the next bodyguard and there stood Lucas younger brother Steven. "Steven" I called his name and he just stared at him. "Bobby why don't you let me go first" Steven called to the bodyguard 1. Bobby sighed and left the room and I just stared at him shocked. "I'm not going to hurt you Liam" Steven whispered in my ears. I looked at him shocked. "You honestly think I'm like Lucas" Steven sat down next to me. "I am nothing like him" Steven continued to tell me and I just nodded because I need to hear that. All of sudden the door opened and Steven climbed on top of me. He mouthed play along and I nodded. I felt the weight come off me and there stood Bobby looking unimpressed. "What the hell Steven it didn't look like got very far" Bobby commented to him. "Liam bit me and let me tell you something. It hurt like hell" Steven easily made up the lie.  "Oh, well it's my turn then" Bobby pushed out Steven out of the room. I backed away from Bobby begging him to leave me alone. He grabbed and pushed me down. "You won't get away with this" Bobby told me. He started kissing my neck and I felt so sick to my stomach. I kept trying to push him away but that only resulted in him slapping me eventually I got so tired of him hitting me. My clothes were ripped off me and I just felt the tears slip down my cheeks. It was painful. He stuck it inside and I kept cringing at him moaning. I pushed knees up against my chest and Bobby got up and put his clothes up. I had no idea what time it was but I just wanted to go home. The door opened and there stood Steven. "I'm in charge of taking Liam back to where the other lads are" Steven announced and Bobby nodded his head. "I made sure to never stop you" Bobby patted his shoulder before leaving the room. Steven sat down next to me and I put my head on his shoulders. "I am so sorry Liam but there was nothing I could have done" Steven comforted me. "All the other lads are asleep" Steven informed and he helped me get my clothes back on. He rushed to me to the room with the lads and he laid me down on the cot which was next to Niall's. "Lucas brought cots in here" Steven informed me and I nodded. "Thank you" I told him and he left the room and I felt the tears fall onto my hands. I put my knees against my chest and I felt someone's hands, Harry. "Liam what happened" Harry asked me and I felt my throat clogged up. "Liam" Harry looked at me with concern. "I shouldn't have upset Lucas" I told them and Harry looked at my trousers, blood was covering it. Harry's eyes went wide. "Liam they didn't please tell me they didn't" Harry begged me and I felt myself cry softly into Harry's chest and he hugged me tightly. "Please don't tell anyone about this" I begged him. "Liam your trousers is a dead give away" Harry pointed out to me. I didn't want to talk anymore.  

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