Ch.5: One Sacrifice

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It was a boring day as usual in the room. Liam and Louis refused to talk to one another. It was a fight and me and Harry was stuck in the middle as usual. I hated what this was doing to us. We were falling apart because of Lucas. "Guys can we just get along" I begged to Louis and Liam. "I am trying to" Liam stated to us and Louis crossed his arms. "If you didn't lie to us maybe just maybe I would like you Liam Payne" Louis stood straight up in front of Liam's face. "Okay we get it Louis. Liam didn't mention or lied about having a boyfriend in high school. It's not the end of the road" I stood in between the two of them. "Whatever Zayn was right to break it off with you" Louis snapped at Liam before going over to his corner and I saw Liam eyes were starting to water and I grabbed his hands. "He didn't mean it Liam. He's just upset with this situation" I told him and Liam just nodded with a small smile on his face. He sat down on the cot while looking down at his feet. "What was I supposed to do" Liam mumbled to me and I looked at Harry who was just trying to casually calm Louis down. It was late at night when Lucas came into the room and I just closed my eyes to pretend to sleep. "Well, it looks like everybody is asleep Liam except for you" Lucas stated causing Liam to back up into the wall. "I wonder how it feels being with Niall, Harry or even Louis" Lucas stated to Liam and Liam stepped in front of my cot. "Don't you dare touch them" Liam growled at Lucas stating something causing me to be shocked. "Oh yeah what you going to do then to stop me" Lucas snapped at Liam and Liam growled. "What if I took their place" Liam proposed to Lucas. I felt myself bit my cheek. "Okay Liam just like old times" Lucas closed the door and I opened my eyes and grabbed his arms. "Liam you don't have to do this" I told him. "I did this" Liam was shaking slightly. "I have to protect you guys" Liam looked at his feet. "I don't want you guys to experience what i have experienced and what's one more time" Liam looked in my eyes. I couldn't believe that Liam was more than willing to help and protect us. I saw Liam being dragged out of the room and the door closed. Next thing I knew i was hearing Liam Payne screaming in pain. I grabbed my pillow and I was just trying to block the sound. I felt the tears fell down onto my cheeks from my eyes. I looked over at Harry and Louis, I knew Louis would be heavily asleep but Harry was a different story. Harry got up from his cot and ran over to me. Harry was just looking at me. "Haz" I stated out loud to him. "Where's Liam" Harry asked me and I just sat up. "They took him" I just stated at him. "Who took him? Where is Liam" Harry grabbed my hands and I kept shaking my head. "NIALL TELL ME WHERE IS LIAM" Harry screamed while shaking me. I somehow didn't manage to feel dizzy. "The bodyguards took him away. I tried to stop him Haz. I really did" I commented to Harry. "What is going on" Harry asked me while he sit on the cot next to me. "He's trying to protect us Haz" I just told him while looking my feet once again. "What do you mean Niall" Harry turned my face to face him and I heard the door opened and I saw Liam being tossed onto the hard floor. Tears were present in his eyes and I ran to him and grabbed him. "Li, you didn't have to do this" I commented to him while laying his head on my leg. Harry looked at me and down at Liam and he saw blood dripping. Liam's pants were dripped in blood and I felt so disgusted. "Louis was never going to forgive me if something bad happen to Harry. I couldn't let him touch any of you guys" Liam mumbled to me and I felt so sick to my stomach and Harry sat down next to us and he rubbed Liam's back. "Hey it's going to be okay Liam. You don't need to protect us and Louis would never blame you if something happened to me" Harry tried to tell Liam but Liam just shook his head while getting off my lap and walked to his cot. "He already does Harry. He hates me and I don't know what else to do to help us besides this" Liam stated to Harry and me. "He doesn't hate you" Harry grabbed Liam's hands. "Yes he does stop lying to me Haz and I won't let anything bad happens to you guys anymore" Liam stood up from the cot while pacing back and forth. We heard a knock on the door and the door opened there was Steven with a first aid kit in his hands. Steven walked straight up to Liam with a sad smile on his face. "Why didn't you help Liam" I shouted at Steven while pushing him away and I couldn't help but glare at Steven. "There's no way I could have helped Liam without Lucas noticing" Steven pushed me aside and knelled down in front of Liam. He started to clean up Liam's face. "Thank you Steven" Liam told Steven while giving him a small smile. I just watched Liam and Steven while leaning against the cemented wall of where we were being kept. Lucas stormed into the room and Steven immediately got up from the floor and pushed Liam away from him. I felt anger building up inside me. I knew we couldn't trust Steven. "GET UP LOUIS" Lucas screamed at Louis and I saw Liam stood in front of Louis just as soon as Lucas was about to hit poor Louis. I heard an aching scream coming from Liam and I saw Louis eyes went wide and he backed up into the wall. Louis was just staring at me with his mouth covered. Liam was curling up in a ball. "Let me remind you guys that you will listen to me and Steven only got it or else I will hurt you guys much worse" Lucas walked up to Louis and glared at him. "You are lucky that Liam took that slap because it would have hurt much worse" Lucas smirked at Louis and Louis gulped. "Liam just so happens to be used to it" Lucas then walked out of the room along with Steven and Steven just mouthed sorry before leaving the room. Louis just stared at Liam and stared at me. I just shook my head. "You better thank Liam" I just stated to Louis. I just stared at Liam and I squatted down to Liam's level. "You can't tell Louis anything" Liam told me and I just looked at him shocked and just shook my head. "Um, Liam I guess i should thank you" Louis crossed his arms while looking at Liam who was now sitting on the cot crisscrossed. "You better thank him" Harry was now standing in front of Louis while glaring at him. "Okay fine, Thank you Liam" Louis stated out loud but you could tell it wasn't very sincere.

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