39: Always with you

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Chapter 39

-Gabriel Di Luca-

I'm positive that I broke the speed limit and a bunch of traffic laws as I drove like a fucking madman, not stopping and not easing my speed, but I didn't give a fuck. At this point, I was almost flying the black BMW that I borrowed, well, taken from shithead. I'm going to get to my Miracle right now, I don't have any time to spare, especially knowing that the fucker who took her is doing God only knows what to her.

Tears streamed down my face and I screamed in anger, my heart was in so much pain after hearing her cries and screams.

I'm going to kill that bastard, slowly but surely.

I'm going to personally send him to hell if I have to.

The rain lashed against the windshield, blurring the already-dark highway ahead. Each swipe of the wipers seemed to only intensify the downpour, mirroring the storm raging within me. My knuckles were white, gripping the steering wheel so tightly my fingers ached, but it was nothing. I glanced at the passenger seat, empty except for a crumpled piece of paper with a single, hastily scribbled address of the house where they tracked the plate number of the car they saw that took her.  It was the only clue, the only lifeline to find her.

My heart pounded a frantic rhythm against my ribs, a drumbeat of fear, anger, and desperation. It's almost been an hour since that call. Anything could've already happened within an hour.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck

Please, let her be alive.

Please, let her be okay.

Please, fucking please, let me get to her on time.

The clock ticked relentlessly on the dashboard, each second a hammer blew to my already shattered composure.  I had to get there, I had to save her.  Miracle Astor, with her laugh that could light up a room, her eyes that held galaxies, her spirit that defied any darkness.  I couldn't imagine a world without her.

I just confessed to her for the first time. I just told her that I love her, how she means the world to me. I don't want that to be the first and last time I get to say that to her. I want to be able to tell her how much I love her, how much I'm lucky to have her, how much she means to me every fucking day, for the rest of my life. I want to be able to look her in the eyes with our hands intertwined when I tell her that again for the second time.

Now, that love was threatened, and I would move heaven and earth to protect it.

The highway stretched before me, a ribbon of asphalt cutting through the darkness.  Each mile felt like an eternity, each passing car a phantom reminder of the precious time slipping away.  I pushed the accelerator, the engine roaring in protest, but I didn't care.  I had to get there, I had to be there, I had to save her.

But my phone suddenly rings, well my new phone that I demanded Corbin to give me. I answered.


I breathe heavily. My tears were still uncontrollable.


"Are you driving?"

"Si, I'm on my way to the address Zio Gio told me."

I could hear his heavy sigh in the background.

"Alright. Listen to me carefully before speaking, mio figlio. I believe that the man who took Miracle is her half-brother from her biological father." He tells me.

My eyes quickly widened in shock, but that was quickly disappeared and was replaced but another wave of anger. It really is fucking true, like father, like son. But like me and my father, I'm also going to hunt down the son of that rapist.

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