Chapter 14

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Since Quincey got a small taste of what the streets was like, he was free to have the day off. He would stay at home with his mother all day, but he had better plans in mind. Deciding to make his absence up to Bre, he figured they could go out and do something. Despite her mom not allowing her to speak to him, he wasn't going to take no for an answer.

Calling her at a time he knew she would most likely sleep and her mom would be in the other room, she picked up on the third ring.

"Quincey?" she answered in a groggy voice.

"Hey baby girl" he smiled through the phone. "I didn't mean to wake you."

"Mhm," she moaned, still sounding asleep. "It's fine. What's up?"

"What you got planned today?"

"Nothing at all. Why?"

"Imma come scoop you up."


"Yes really," Quincey laughed.

She gave a small laugh too before replying.

"What time?"

"As soon as you're able to get ready and leave. I wanna spend the whole day with you if I can."

It wad currently 9 o'clock. Not too early, but not yet noon.

"Alright well me get up and ready and see what I can do then I'll call you back."

"Coo," he nodded. "Just let me know."

"Will do."

"Love you."

"Love you too."

Quincey hung up the phone as he got ready himself.

Once doing so, he headed downstairs to speak to his mother. Today was the first day in a few that he was able to actually see his mom in the morning. Ever since he started working for Gavin, he would only see her at night when his work was over. 

As far as she knew, he was still in school and was just doing school things or hanging with the boys afterwards. You would think that a normal school would call to notify the parents of the student that they hadn't showed up to school, but nope, not Crenshaw. They could care less if you were there or not. Why? Because they weren't the ones working for a diploma.

"Good morning ma," Quincey greeted his mother,  planting a kiss upon her forehead.

"Good morning baby," she weakly smiled.

For the first in a while, she actually looked sick. In Quincey's eyes, she looked as if she had gotten worse. A wave of guilt washed over him as he knew he needed to be by her side more than ever. A part of him wanted to shed a few tears, but another knew that he had to stay strong for the both of them.

"How you feeling?" he asked her.

"Eh," she sighed. "I'm still alive so that's all that matters right?"

Her words cut him open. Hearing her say such a thing hurt. He wouldn't want his mother to suffer while alive, but he didn't want to lose her either. He just wanted her to get better. However, he knew they were living in reality and not a fantasy.

"Ma don't speak like that," he groaned.

"A lot of people didn't wake up this morning Quincey," she spoke.

"I know, but it's not good to suffer either," he reminded her.

"God will take me when it's my time."

She gave him another weak smile as he shook his head. He then made his way towards the kitchen to see what he could find to make breakfast for the two of them.

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