A Better Night

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It had been a short and uncomfortable night with his charges sleeping only fitfully. On edge, Drekken had forced himself to remain alert until the sun had risen. Then, he had spoken to the group only enough to explain that they had to keep to the trees up the lower slopes and then he had led them all off. However, the early start took them up into the mountains-proper by the time the sun was over head and Drekken's tension eased off as there was no sign that they were being followed. A quick stop for a lunch of berries and ice apples recharged them all and Drekken was impressed with the babies as they continued to make good time in the afternoon, so much so that Malachi had a chance to practice his hunting skills. When Drekken sought them out a place to shelter for the night, Malachi was carrying enough rabbit to feed them all.

Everyone was in surprisingly good spirits, including Drekken, when they all clambered carefully through a narrow entrance into another cave. This one was huge compared to the one from the previous night, and Drekken smiled to himself as the small ball of flame in his hand reflected off what he had hoped to see when he had noted the stream outside, a gently flowing pool. The afternoon had been warm and close and Drekken's shoulder scales itched as he eyed the clear water. Quickly, he ushered everyone past him onto the small sandy shore of the pool and then he heaved at a boulder that was lying next to the entrance. His already aching shoulder complained, but the rock was not a large one for an augmented human and he slid it across the entrance, mostly blocking the path. A couple of smaller stones on top and no-one outside would know the cave was passable.

Seven pairs of eyes were watching him as he descended down to the shore and Drekken surprised himself as he smiled and told them, "We'll be safe for the night."

The relief was almost palpable. Yakov smiled back and Drekken was still more surprised when that made him even happier. It was a strange and unexpected feeling that rather put him off balance, and so, after a second, he turned away and busied himself making another stone hearth, one that would this time cook their supper. He knew he was being watched as he gathered the small rocks and fed them with his replenished fire, but he concentrated on his task and, eventually, Malachi announced, "I really need a bath."

There was the sound of a sniff and then Yakov agreed with distaste, "We all need baths. Everyone, into the water."

It didn't take long for Drekken to finish his task and his odd reaction had settled by then. However, when he turned to the sound of splashing, it was not only that feeling that leapt up to greet him. He had heard stories about empaths lacking inhibitions, but he had not expected to see two young, athletic, naked bodies entering the water and his libido reacted instantly. As a soldier, he was used to seeing his comrades, both male and female, in states of undress and dragons found the whole concept of clothes rather quaint, which had rubbed off on him somewhat, but what really caught Drekken's attention was the way Yakov's hand was wandering down over Malachi's arse and Drekken had no hope of quashing the rush of heat that ran through his body. He bit his lip, hard, and turned rapidly away again, cursing the fact that it had been far too long since he had enjoyed any company.

Drekken fiddled with the hearth, moving stones around, piling them just so and trying not to remember the flash of pale, slender flesh behind him. The whistles and clicks of young dragons as they too entered the water helped settle his libido somewhat, after all, it was hardly appropriate to be fostering such thoughts in the presence of children. However, his arousal wouldn't disperse completely and he could only listen as Malachi called, "Keril, come on, it's lovely."

Drekken heard a stamp of foot and Keril made a sound of disquiet. There was a short pause and then Malachi's response was, "Oh."

It was a knowing sort of 'oh', and it was faintly amused.

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