8. I don't need to compete with you.

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EnlightenedThinker: Woah, this chapter had a great turn around. I saw a mountain of progress in one little gesture. Dare I say your keeping Ben?

CyrusTheScribe@EnlightenedThinker: I'm keeping Ben. I happened to think I may have misunderstood his character. Even though, he's mine. I have a lot on my mind right now, though. Somehow, it made this chapter easier to write.

EnlightenedThinker@CyrusTheScribe: Whatever it is, you'll get threw it. Don't think to hard about it. And always make choices that are best for you and no one else.

CyrusTheScribe@EnlightenedThinker: Give me a life update.

EnlightenedThinker@CyrusTheScribe: I'm about to ask my special someone on another date, and I'm kind of hoping they accept. I've taken them on a few already.

CyrusTheScribe@EnlightenedThinker: I'm happy for you and not at all jealous. Maybe a little. Okay, I'm happy for you. Why wouldn't they accept if you've taken them on one already?

EnlightenedThinker@CyrusTheScribe: Because I made a suggestion or two. Worry not, their bright and shiny in my world. I intent to show them every word I mean. Even if I'm not saying them.

CyrusTheScribe@EnlightenedThinker: Why not just say it?

EnlightenedThinker@CyrusTheScribe: Because once everything is seen, the words carry more impact through the actions already given. Now, wish me luck.

CyrusTheScribe@EnlightendThinker: Good luck.

I closed my laptop with a yawn. My mysterious commenter sure loved to give me very insightful thoughts when I planned my next chapter in my head. Today, I made Ben hand over a more obvious gesture to hidden feelings. My mysterious commenter seemed to enjoy that. At least I entertained him.

I jumped when Sage appeared in front of me, setting his phone face down on the counter. Oh, I didn't know if I was prepared for this face-to-face interaction right now. Not after what happened a few days ago. I had only just stopped over analyzing every word he spoke that day. That was a lie, it was still in the back of my mind. I started writing again because it helped me pour something into my book instead of being constantly lost in that insane world he picked me up and set me in.

How did he look at me like he didn't offer to teach me about the things I was behind on? I already accepted, and still, Sage gave me every opportunity to back out. Then he gave me space to think it over even further. I supposed he'd given up on the space part, and I didn't mind that. The problem was that I knew I was going to get attached to him even more than I already was, and what did I do with that? 

I reached for my devices, but Sage shook his head and put a flyer in front of me and pointed to the title. I angled my head, reading it was our towns summer drive-in movie weekend starting tonight. Then he pointed to one of the three dates, and I had a feeling he was asking if I wanted to go along with him again. And he was also asking which dates worked for me.

I pointed to the one tonight because I had to work this weekend. I could just tell him, but he seemed to be making another communication point, so I didn't complain. Sage did say that he wanted us to hang out, so I assumed he wanted to still become friends. Friends who were going to... do other things. However far that took us. 

It was equally terrifying and thrilling. 

He gave me a thumbs up as August slithered down the stairs, lighting up at the sight of his best friend, and as always, he signed as he spoke to Sage so I didn't feel left out. "What are you doing here? Where have you been? I've been missing my number one man."

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