Percy POV

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Nico joined me in my cabin shortly afterwards, giving me a pointed look.


"You said you'd go to bed."

"I know. I was going to but then I just.. needed to get some energy out."

"We'll talk about it tomorrow," Nico said with a frown. "For now, get some sleep."

I nodded.

The son of Hades left.

My dreams were restless, like always.


I was lying in bed, curled up under the duvet while waiting for mom to get home.

She was taking longer than usual tonight.

'Oi! Brain boy! Have you eaten everything in the fucking fridge again?!'

No, that was you. I haven't eaten in this apartment in a week.


I cringed as my door was flung open and heavy footsteps approached me.

The duvet was flung off, and I was dragged out of bed by the ankle.

My dream changed.

'T, what are you doing?'

'Oh hush, N. He'll be fine if I show him some more.'

I protested weakly.

'Shut it, mortal.'

~nightmare end~

I woke up with a gasp.

Then I was hyperventilating, wrapping my arms around myself and shaking as I tried to push the dream away.

I gripped the neckline of my shirt, trying to pull it away from my throat like it was choking me - even though it wasn't.

"No.." I mumbled, "No, no, no.."

A soft golden light filled the room.

"Perce, shh..." Warm arms wrapped around my shivering torso, and I leaned against the body behind me.

"Let's go back to sleep, hmm? Lie down with me.."

"Stay.." I whispered.

"I can't for long... The drama queen will notice my absence. I'll stay til morning, mkay?"

I nodded.

My eyes drooped, and I moved sluggishly to lie down.

This time, I didn't have any nightmares.

Just a dream of lying in a field, staring at the bright blue sky.

A/N: sooooo this is short but it's like the 4th chapter I've gotten out friday-monday so cut me some slack lol

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