Apollo/Percy POV

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When Percy had woken up, he looked panicked.

As in, about to hyperventilate and collapse panicked.

So I, being the awesome god I am, flashed to his cabin (definitely not making his state of hysteria worse with my sudden appearance).


"Apollo! They- they said they're coming!"

"Who?" I was confused. I thought his dreams had stopped once he started taking the medication.


The sky rumbled, and my stomach dropped. "Seashell, shh.. names have power."

"I know! But I had a dream-"

"They didn't stop?"

"No, they did! And then that one was the first that came back!"

"Okay. Have you alerted Chiron?"

Obviously he hasn't, Apollo. He just woke up. You literally watched.


"C'mon, then."

The son of Poseidon threw on clean clothes, grabbed his sword (which was in pen form) and rushed out of the cabin.

I noticed he had also put on my necklace.

That was good.

I flashed back to Olympus, knowing that if we wanted to even stand a chance in the war we needed the rest of the gods and goddesses fighting with us.


"What is it, Apollo? I don't have time for this."

"A meeting? Please."

Zeus sighed, then sent the announcement out.

"All Olympians to the throne room in 5 minutes."

I could practically hear the grumbling.

-A time skip brought to you by my unreasonable love for mint-

I sat anxiously on my throne, twiddling my thumbs as one by one they Olympians took their seats.

"So, why are we here, brother?"

Yes, uncle Hades was here too.

I had requested it.

"Apollo wanted this bullshit, not me," the sky god said with an eye roll.

"Apollo?" Aphrodite questioned.

"We need to aid the demigods."

Thunder rumbled through the sky. "No, we will not," snapped my father.

"Look, I know you think they can handle this on their own, but they can't-"

"For once, I agree with you, punk."

Ares standing up for me?

Now, that was a surprise.

"The kids can fight monsters all they like, but barely any of them stand a chance against the primordials that'll come after," the war god added. "Plus, who am I to turn down a fight?"

"Ares is correct." This was Athena.

Funny, I always thought she hated me.

She caught my gaze and scowled.

"Don't worry, I do hate you, but I care for the demigods more."


"We're not doing it," Zeus repeated.

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