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In the dark streets of a winter night, the Blood Kingdom was silent, as a girl with raven black hair staggered into a local tavern. The doors swaying open as the whole tavern grew quiet, everyone staring at the fresh blood that stained her white clothes.

"Ro-Rose!" Upon opening her mouth to call her to teammate -who was a so-called 'vampire hunter'-, she collapsed to the floor from an un-seen wound over her heart. The hunter approached the fallen girl and checked to see if she was still alive. The girl laid in a pool of her own blood. The tavern grew quiet once more as the hunter got up again to finish her beer. The hunter turned to place the beer back down and in doing so she tied her brown hair in a low pony, and turned to face mates in the tavern.

"Well boys, I'm afraid I have some more business to attend to.", she turned on her heel and left the tavern pulling out two deadly assassin blades. The owner of the tavern outs the jug of beer and starts to clean it

*Warning: This story will contain mild gore, blood and bad language, the story will also switch point of views.*

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