You Stupid Prat!

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Hailey Potter looked down at the green grass below her as she circled the Quidditch pitch, looking for the Golden Snitch.

She could faintly see Malfoy glancing at her every now and then, trying to see if she would dive anytime soon for the Snitch.

Hailey rolled her eyes, like he could ever catch her. She had a Firebolt, she didn't even know why he bothered.

She circled the pitch until a glint of gold caught her eye, near the Slytherin goals. Hailey quickly shot down in a quick dive.

"And it looks like Potter has found the golden Snitch!"

The air was rushing past her face, causing her long black hair to go flying behind her. Hailey's emerald eyes narrowed in concentration as she reached her hand out for the Snitch.

Hailey could hear Malfoy cursing up a storm behind her as she closed her hand around the Snitch.

Roars and screams filled the stands, drowning out the boo's of the Slytherin's, who were looking put out to have lost their first match of the season.

Hailey turned around to head back to the ground, eager to see all of her teammates. Besides those blasted Weasley twins.

Hailey turned and nearly saw her life flash before her eyes, it had all happened so quickly.

A bludger was quickly making its way towards her, straight for her head. Just a second before it hit her, a flash of red zoomed in front of her and knocked the bludger out of the way. Before promptly falling off of their broom.

Hailey could see the persons face clearly now, It was Weasley. George to be exact.

Hailey panicked as she saw him tumble to the ground and looked around. She was the only one in the vicinity that could catch him in time.

She swooped down quickly and swiftly grabbed his hand in her own and slowly lowered him to the ground before he could possibly endanger himself again.

George looked down at Hailey, considering she was about 8 inches shorter than him, and rubbed the back of his neck, "Thanks, Potter. Seems that you do love me after all, don't you?"

Everyone in the stands watched with their breath held, everyone knew that Weasley had fancied Potter since the day she had set foot in the castle. But Potter absolutely loathed him, he was a bully and took pleasure in seeing others humiliated.

Hailey's fists closed and she glared heatedly at George, before grabbing her broom and whacking him with it repeatedly.

"You stupid prat! Do you realize you could have died?! You," whack. "Should," whack. "Have," whack. "Let," whack. "It," whack. "Hit," whack. "Me!"

George cowered down, "Merlin, woman! Calm down! You know, to pay me back, you should give me a kiss."

Steam nearly came out of Hailey's ears, "You're infuriating! Can you take nothing seriously?! Don't you understand you could have died if I didn't save you?! And you did that all for a goddamn kiss! What the bloody hell is wrong with you?!"

George shrugged and Hailey screamed in frustration before launching herself at George. George's eyes widened but quickly became confused. Was she... hugging him? Usually when she came at him like that she was aiming to maim him to death.

Nearly everyone that was watching them jaw's dropped, they weren't expecting that. Was Hailey finally starting to have feelings for George?

Hailey leaned up on her tip toes and pulled George down by his Quidditch robes and whispered in his ear, "You may be an annoying prat but it doesn't mean I don't like having you around. Sometimes. Don't scare me like that again, or I swear I'll castrate you."

George blinked at her in shock. Just so people didn't start to believe that she was starting to like Weasley she whacked him one more time with her broom and stormed off into the Gryffindor changing rooms.

Leaving George in the middle of the pitch with a goofy grin on his face and hope in his heart.

Hailey PotterWhere stories live. Discover now