Feelings? Psht No!

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Hailey Potter quickly stormed to the female changing rooms and angrily threw off her Quidditch robes. How stupid could she be? Now everyone was going to think she had feelings for the bloody weasel! And he had the nerve to ask her for a kiss! After she just saved his god damn life! Oh, the nerve.

Hailey stopped in her tracks and stared at herself in the floor length mirrors. She looked a mess, her hair was a mess. More than usual at least. She grabbed her brush and gently combed through her hair. Trying to at least tame it a bit.

After a few minutes of trying and failing to tame her hair, Hailey sighed and made her way out of the changing rooms and instantly spotted Hermione and Ron waiting for her by the school entrance.

Hailey grinned broadly and sped up her walk so she could catch up with her friends. Hermione smiled at her but quickly her face set into a one of panic. Confused, Hailey turned around. Only to have a firm chest smack her in the face.

Hailey stumbled back a few steps and groaned. The prat had just walked right into her! Looking up, she rolled her eyes. Great, just what she needed. If she never talked to George Weasley again it would be too soon.

"Really, Weasley? Are you so dimwitted that you can't even watch where you're going?" Hailey growled out.

George bit back a smirk, "Watch your tone, love. Wouldn't want to hurt your future husbands feelings would you?"

Hailey narrowed her eyes and pursed her lips, before promptly spinning on her heel and walking away.

"Aw, don't be like that, love!" George cursed in his mind and took three long strides to catch up with the tiny witch.

"Didn't you get the clue that I didn't want to be around you?" Hailey snarled.

George easily masked the hurt from his eyes, "But, I want to be around you."

Hailey growled and whipped around, "What is it going to take, Weasley! Merlin, I've done nothing to entertain your advances yet you won't stop! Can't you see I'm not interested? Take a hint! Just. Leave me alone!"

"But -"


Hailey stared at him in earnest for a few seconds before storming off towards her friends. George let it go. He'd get her eventually. Besides, he'd always liked a good chase.

George smiled, "See you tomorrow, love!"

He didn't duck fast enough to miss the curse she sent his way. It was worth it, though.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2015 ⏰

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