13 yes mom I'm pregnant

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"I have no words Mel." She said but still started to open her mouth. "I'm so disappointed in you. I knew there was something going on! I guess she was right." She mumbled the last part but I could still hear it.

"Wait who said that?"

"Jason or whatever his name is mom. She and I were at the supermarket and she told me. God Mel why would you be so irresponsible! And you are too young to even think about that!" At that moment I couldn't feel my heart pounding numerously like before. It just felt like nothing. I then heard some keys rustling from the door.

"Oh hey Mel. Who's he?"

"Mom please."

"There's no way else. Frank, Melanie is pregnant." I saw my dad getting red, Jackson frozen, and my mom looking like she won an award.

"Get out." My dad said quietly but sounded VERY mad.

"Dad please I can ex-"

"Get out!" He shouted at my face. Hot tears started rolling down quickly and I walked away. I heard some footsteps behind me and later figured out it was Jackson.

"Mel where are you going?"

"Leave me alone. It's your fault that we're even in this fucking situation! If you didn't tell your mom, heck if I didn't even meet you at that par-"

"It happened okay. Look I know this is gonna be hard but-"

"Yes it's gonna be hard. My parents basically kicked me out, everyone at school thinks I'm a fucking slut, and to top it all off I'm a teenager who is pregnant!" I yelled. Jackson grabbed my sholders.

"It's gonna be okay. Don't worry about what other people think okay? You and I are going to amazing parents to that baby we made. Sure it was really stupid to do that, but there's no going back now. And I was going to ask if you wanted to stay with me for a bit since, you know what happened just now. I don't think my mom wouldn't mind because remember she says supports us all the time." I started to calm down a bit. I was still upset from getting kicked out from my own home, but I am very lucky to have Jackson with me on this.

"Okay. Um sorry for yelling at you before. I was just pretty pissed about what happened."

"Don't worry I know you have tons of pressure right now so I understand." He bend down and gave me a small kiss on my forehead. I was blushing a little and was hoping me couldn't see.

"Let's go to my house then. My mom's cooking dinner soon." He said grabbing my hand and pulling me to his car. Maybe this won't be so bad after all.

It was about 15 minutes until we were at Jackson's house. When we came in the house a voice from the distance called Jackson.

"Hey mom. Melenie is here by the way." I heard footsteps coming closer and I'm guessing Jackson's mom came.

"Oh so you're the famous Melanie. Jackson was right you are a very pretty girl."

"I..um...I didn't say that." He said looking down.

"Yeah ovcourse you didn't. Anyway I know about the baby, but don't worry I'm gonna be supportive about it. By the way I met your mom at the market, she sounded like she had no clue."

"Yeah that's kinda why I'm here. I got kicked out from my house."

"Oh sweetie I'm so sorry to hear that. You're welcome to stay here for now, and if you have any questions about the baby I'm always here." She said with a nice mom smile. She was a very nice lady. She only had one similarity with Jackson, her eyes. I guess he got his looks from his father.
"Thank you so much. I promise not to be a bother."

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