These gray days

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I need peace and quiet. The world's noise is too much. I've seen and heard too many things. I feel like I'm going insane from the lack of silence. I used to think everything would turn out okay, but now it's all bullshit. This constant noise, it's like my head's on fire and someone's rubbing salt in the wounds. I just want the damn world to shut up? Why can't life ever be easy?
I'd love nothing more than to cast blame on society, cultures, and religions. They've left this world in a sorry state. We never asked to be born into this mess. This place is hell, and I don't see any reason to keep going.
But what does it matter, honestly? No one cares anymore, maybe they never did. It's my fault, I chose this path, so there's no one else to blame. These decisions, whether they're mistakes or not, have drained my will to carry on. It all feels pointless, like I'm just going through the motions. Every event that happens around me feels empty and meaningless, and I can't see any reason to keep fighting.
The pressures of life have left me suffocated, unable to breathe. I've had enough, I can't bear the weight of it all any longer. It's too much, too heavy, and I feel like I'm drowning in its relentless grip. Every day feels like a struggle, every passing moment a battle against the despair that threatens to consume me whole. I am exhausted, drained, and empty, as if the life has been slowly bled out of me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11 ⏰

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