Secrets (and other stuff) coming out

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So it's early(really fucking early) morning and I couldn't find a better title... xD sorry, not sorry
Maybe I'll rename it later... we'll see
Have fun reading (and stuff) :-*


It hurt. It fucking hurt. It felt like I was being ripped apart and I'm sure something really did break.

"Fuck, you're tight." I heard him say, his voice laced with lust and a kind of amusement.

"Pull out..."


"I said PULL OUT." I heard my voice break, fuck it really hurt like a bitch! "It h-urts."

"Shit." He groaned and I could feel his heat on my back. "So you really lied to me... this IS your first time, isn't it?" Accidentally or not he moved when he leaned over me and I couldn't suppress a whimper. "Holy... if you keep cramping down on me like that I can't do anything."

"You can take it out!"

"Riley, shut up and try to relax."

"No! It hurts! Take it out!" Fucking asshole, telling me to relax... easy to say if you're not the one being impaled!

"Shit." Benjamin grumbled and for a moment it seemed like he really did what I asked him to do, but my hope was destroyed when he slammed back in vigorously, diminishing me to a whimpering mess beneath him. "Are you ready to listen to me now?"

I didn't answer, but whine, a tear slipping down my face.

"I'm sorry. I really am, but you brought it upon yourself you know? If I knew I was your first... it doesn't matter now, does it?" He sighed, pressing himself against my back. "But if you just keep quiet for a bit I can try to make it better. I don't want you to hate any form of physical love because of one bad experience." While talking in a soothing voice he started to shed kisses upon my neck and shoulders, caressing my sides with his large warm hands.

Biting my lip I considered his proposal. He was giving me the chance to say no, to end it here. He had just wanted me to listen to him and now I had to decide whether I was willing to carry on or not. "O-okay..." I heard myself mumble. "I'll... give you five minutes." As he sighed again I could feel his warm breath against the nape of my neck and involuntarily shivered. After that he ceased moving, the only thing he still did was kissing my neck, holding me tight. It didn't hurt too badly if he didn't move... it was just plane uncomfortable to be stretched that far. I mean I surely never took a crap that big! God, I felt sore already... but on the other hand I did want to try and enjoy my first time. Especially since I really liked Ben. As much as you can like someone you just met, but it felt right to give him my virginity. Oh man, that sounds girly.

I yelped when I was suddenly torn from my musing by Ben; who'd rocked his hips, just enough to cause friction. He kept moving slightly, murmuring cooing words and caressing my sides and abdomen. And I... I tried. I tried my hardest to stay relaxed and to feel past the jabs of pain, focusing on the undeniable sparks of pleasure. The longer I did it the easier it got. Maybe it wasn't that bad after all... Like hell it wasn't! The agony came back full force when he started to move in and out in a slow rhythm.

"B-Ben... It still hurts."

"I know, I'm sorry. Bear with it for a bit longer." Letting out a low whine I complied, and after some time, managed to somewhat relax again. Somewhat being the operative word. But like before I began to feel a tiny bit better as he continued to move inside of me. "That's it. Just like that, Riley."

"It's still... still uncomfortable."

"It will be better, I promise. I just have to find that spot again." That made sense, but somehow that, the pain and discomfort, wasn't the only reason for my uneasiness.

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