Tie Dye Shoes

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This isn't a drawing but it IS a craft so it counts as art :)
I must say, these turned out better than I expected them to. It took a couple hours to do, and these four items are required to make it:
-White canvas shoes (like converse, but they can be knock-offs)
-a bottle of 91% alcohol (it'll have a percentage on the front, I've also seen 70% but I'm not sure it will work the same so go with 91)
-Sharpies, colors of your choice.
-And last but not least, a medicine/eye dropper.
I found this craft in another wattpad book. It is called Life Of Girls and was written by Shannon11203 . If you don't want to read the whole book, just look for the chapter called Sharpie Tie Dye and that is where you'll find instructions for the craft.
I honestly think it turned out well and I can't wait to wear them!
WARNING: the shoes might be a little stiff afterwards because of the alcohol. Once you wear them a couple times, the wear will fix it.
WARNING 2: Let them dry for a few hours before first putting them on.
Once again, all credit to Shannon11203 for this craft (even though I think it was originally from Pinterest).
Go follow her!!!

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