Chapter 2

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Beth's eyes got big. "Girl! Thirty lays in thirty days?"

"In thirty ways. Thirty before thirty in thirty."

She shook her head, her pixie haircut flopping back and forth. "Cat, you know I love you. But bitch, this be madness."

I giggled at her silliness. Despite her tough gangsta words, Beth had about as much street cred as the tooth fairy. In fact, with her platinum blonde hair and creamy skin, Beth looked like an actual, modern-day fairy. Albeit one with gigantic boobs.

"I think it can be done," I challenged her. "Look at where we live; this is the Gold Coast, a holiday town! People come here specifically to wine and dine and dance and fall into bed with strangers!"

"True that," she said thoughtfully. "All right, let me look at this list before you get carried away."

I handed her the piece of paper, written on the back of one of the endless drafts of my divorce contract. I'd written the list as soon as I'd thrown myself in the door the previous night. Still riding the rush of happy sex endorphins from my encounter with Jackson, I'd scribbled furiously, hoping to get to thirty dot points before my ideas ran out.

Sitting on my roommate's bed late the following afternoon, I was still feeling good about my quest.

Beth reached for her glasses, perching them prettily on her button nose and perusing my paper. "Well, I think you can tick number one."

1. Have great sex with a hot stranger.

"Yeah, I'll backdate just this once."

"Numbers two through eight seem doable. Nine and ten? Whatever floats your boat, lady."

I whacked her on the leg. "I don't know if it floats my boat or not! That's the whole point of this."

She shrugged. "Fair enough. Oo, I like thirteen. Nope, you lost me at twenty. And if you make it to number thirty, can I come too?" Beth waggled her eyebrows at me.

"You do realize you were the one who started this." I meant it to be complimentary but Beth flared up.

"What? Me? How am I to blame for your sudden dive into promiscuity?"

I stood and stretched, catching a whiff of my own scent. There was still a faint odor of sex on my skin and I caught a vivid flashback of Jackson's mouth on my nipple. "If you hadn't suggested a one-night stand to cleanse myself of Richard, I never would have come up with this idea. So, thank you."

"You're welcome?" Beth responded, sounding extremely doubtful.

I laughed. "Listen, this is what I need. I missed my chance to sleep around and be crazy because I was married so young. Now, I'm a grown-ass woman and I want to have some fun." I kneeled beside the bed. "Bethany Mabel Anderson. Will you help your best friend have large amounts of sex?"

"My middle name isn't Mabel," Beth said. "But, yes. If this is what you want, let's do it."

I let out a breath I didn't know I'd been holding. With Beth by my side, it would be so much easier. And I felt significantly better knowing my best friend didn't think I was a crazy skank divorcée.

She picked up the page again. "Okay, you better go shower. Let's get ready to try and knock over either..." Beth pursed her lips. "...Two, twelve or sixteen."

We raced off to our respective bedrooms and dressed as quickly as possible for two women about to go out and deliberately scout for sex. I wound my hair up into a high ponytail and tied it with a leather band. The hairstyle complemented the rest of my look: a high-waisted leather mini and fitted T-shirt, all black. A pop of color on my toes, my beloved venom-green spiked stilettos, and I was ready.

30 Lays in 30 Days - The List Book 1Where stories live. Discover now