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Onika MarajNY

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Onika Maraj

"Thank you Natasha, and can you push all my calls back for the rest of the day? My father's nurse called and I want to spend the day with him."

"Yes ma'am of course. I'd also like to remind you of the charity ball tomorrow night." The assistant's remindful voice responded.

"Shit." Onika mumbled. "I totally forgot about that can you also have a dress sent by the pent house before the day is over it doesn't have to be flashy." Onika replied to her assistant.

"Yes ma'am I'll get on that right away." She said while typing away on her computer. Though Onika said it didn't have to be flashy her assistant knew her too well so she'd in fact make sure Onika would have a head turning dress.

"Thank you are such a life saver!" Onika replied before finally leaving the office.

She made her way to the parking garage and hopped into her car choice of the day which happened to be her pink Lamborghini Aventador. Onika wasted no time flying out of the garage and getting on the road.

The drive to nursing home where her father stayed was only a good 20 minutes from her office. She wanted something in the city so her father could have a view from his room as well as still be close to her. Once she arrived instead of self parking she allowed the valet to park her car.

The young man she had given her keys to did his best to contain his excitement while getting into the driver seat.

She didn't need to even show Identification when she walked into the building. Most staff knew who she was considering she made them a generous donation every year since her father had been placed there.

"NO! Call my daughter!" Robert's voice echoed as Onika rounded a corner going to his room.

"Mr. Maraj please calm down we've already called her she is in her way. Now please you have to eat something." Liliana's voice tried to calm him.

Liliana was one of the most patient nurses in this building. After seeing how she interacted with Robert for the first time Onika had decided that her and only her should be assigned to him.

"Hi daddy!" her cheerful voice says while walking into the room finally.

The look of relief jump onto Liliana's face.

"I'll handle it." Onika mouthed to Liliana.

Liliana nodded her head and left the room.

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