Chapter 21

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We did it.

We actually had "sexual interaction" last night. Oh my god. It wasn't really a fast and crazy kind though, it was a loving and easy kind. If that makes sense. He was my first too. Marcus said he would go easy on me and I kinda wished I had been his first too.

"Love you." I said as Marcus left, heading off to his landscaping job. I gave him a peck on the cheek and smiled goodbye. He left and I went to my room to get dressed. I threw on a light blue dress that had gold lace on it. It went to my knees and I smiled at myself in the mirror. Then I applied some gold eye shadow very lightly and put some mascara with it. I left my hair down and kept the wavy look. After, I grabbed my phone and saw my mom texted me.

From: mom

Coming to visit tomorrow @ 2:30. See you then xoxo.

I filled with rage at the fact that my mom thinks she can just come over whenever she wants too. She doesn't even ask! How rude is that? I cool myself down and decide to go shopping. I grab my wallet and my keys, making sure not to forget them AGAIN. I leave and roll my eyes as soon as I walk out. I don't have a car still! Since the mall isn't that far of a walk I grumpily walk to the mall, jealous of the girls my age with a car.

In less than a half hour I make it to the mall. As soon as I get there I head to Lush to get a bath bomb. When I walk in I look around. I see a mango bath bomb so I walk over. I pick it up and choose to buy it. I turn around and bump into somebody hard. It's a girl and she looks about my age. She has a pissed look on her face and I realize I made her drop her bath bomb, it wasn't ruined though. Only a small dent by looking at it.

"Oh my gosh I-I'm so s-sorry." I stutter out and I wished I didn't have this stupid stutter because I would sound much more normal.

"Thanks bitch." She said and I was taken back. What did she say? I didn't do it on purpose. I barely even damaged it.

"W-what are you talking about? I d-didn't even do much." I said just above a whisper. She laughed at my voice.

"Wha-What? I can't understand you with that St-stutter!" She made fun of me. I looked around the room, my face getting sweaty. I was about to play dead when a voice stopped me.

"Excuse me miss? The bitchy one? Leave." We both turned our heads to see a cashier talking to us. She walked over and looked at the mean girl. "Get out. Now please." She commanded.

"What? You can't just kick me out! Where is your manager?" She asked getting angrier by the second. The cashier smiled and stepped forward.

"Your speaking with her right now." She told her nodding. She waved and said, "Goodbye now!"

The girl blew up in rage and threw her dented bath bomb onto the floor, resulting in dust and powder everywhere. I gaped my mouth and the cashier just shrugged and grabbed a broom and dustpan from next to a shelf.

"T-thank you so much. That helped me so much." I grabbed the dustpan and knelt down as she started to sweep dirt and powder into it.

"It's fine, she comes here almost everyday. Her parents are rich and she is a bitch to everyone who comes here. I'm Shayla." She introduced herself and I dumped the dustpan garbage into a nearby trash can.

"I'm Lola." I said. She put the broom back and we walked to the cash register where I payed for my bath bomb.

"Here is your receipt. And we should hang sometime. You seem cool." She smiled and I nodded. I gave her my number in case she wasn't busy one day. I can't believe how many friends I am making here. I didn't think it would be like this at all.

I decided to leave the mall because I really wanted to try out my bath bomb and I was starting to run out of money. I remember my babysitting but also remembered I haven't gotten any calls. I walked to the sign where I posted it and noticed it was gone. I looked around and saw it on someone's lawn. I guess the wind must have taken it. I ran over and picked it up. I looked at it for a minute. I don't know about this whole babysitting thing. I mean, I am going to keep watching Julie. But I don't feel like watching a bunch of other wild kids. I crumpled the poster up and threw it out in my garbage barrel when I made it to my house. I walked up my front steps. I jiggled my keys in the door and stepped in. I shut the door behind me and then heard it open again. I turned around to expect the wind to have opened it, but instead a man who looked about 50 stood there. I saw he had a knife in his hand. I clenched my teeth together hard and felt tears burn in my eyes. I stepped back slowly but he stepped forward.

"Come here." his old, raspy voice spoke out. A tear dropped out of my eye and I shook my head still walking backwards as he kept coming forward. I eventually backed into my table and he came up close to me. He had a stubbly chin and he smelt like sweat and old cologne. He leaned forward so his face was close to mine. His eyes had hunger and thirst in them. I felt more tears roll down my cheeks. He gritted his teeth that were crooked and yellow.

"Your gonna do as I say. Or else." He demanded raising his knife in the air and then pressing the cold blade against my neck. I whined in fear and nodded, my hands trembling. He grabbed my wrist and tugged on me hard, pulling me out of my house. I tried to slow him down by not moving my feet but his grasp on my wrist only got tighter. I looked up at the sky when we made it outside and asked God in my head, why me? Why today? Why him?

When the man let go of my wrist I looked down from the sky and saw Marcus and him in a fist fight. I saw the guy reach down in his pocket for the knife but I grabbed his arm before he could. Unfortunately, he was stronger and accidentally cut my wrist hard as he got it out of his back pocket. My breath got taken out of me and I welped in pain. I looked at my wrist to see a long line going diagonal across my wrist, which was bleeding. I looked back at the fight and saw Marcus had a red swollen spot on the side of his face. I saw him punch the intruder repeatedly in the face. I looked with wide eyes. I'd ever seen this side of Marcus. He was tough and brutal. Most girls would say this made their boyfriend hot, but I was just afraid. His whole face looked different. He was gritting his teeth and his eyes were built up with anger. I kept looking and noticed Marcus shirt had a rip in it. A tear. I examined closer and saw there was lots of blood too. He must have gotten Marcus with the knife there.

Instead of standing there wasting time I ran into the house and grabbed my cell phone and called 911. They rushed to my house and stopped Marcus from attacking the guy which was actually pretty tough. While all of that was happening, a lady cop was calming me down. I explained to her the whole story.

"He came into my house like, a second after I walked in. He must have been following me or something. He threatened me and he tried to take me away. Before I knew it Marcus was on him like a lion. I swear he was only defending me. Please don't arrest him." I pleaded. She smiled and said, "I don't think thats necessary, but let's hope this man doesn't have any extreme injuries because it could get serious." I nodded and thanked her. Then all of the cops left leaving me and Marcus. I was sitting on the porch from when I was talking to the cops and I had bandaged my cut. I saw Marcus walking over to my house after talking to the cops and I stood up and felt more tears ready to come. He looked tired. He had dirt on him and blood on his baby blue shirt. He also had a bruise on the side of his face. I ran to him and hugged him being careful not to hurt him.

"Oh my god Marcus. Thank you so much! You saved my life." I closed my eyes and stopped holding back on the tears. I let them flow. They were a mix of happiness and fear. I was still startled from earlier, but it's all over now.

"Lola, I was not going to let that happen. I was probably more afraid than you. When I saw him holding your wrist, and the look on your face." He choked up. "I'm sorry you had to see me like that."

"It's perfectly fine. Let's go get ourselves cleaned up. I got a new bath bomb." I grinned and he chuckled. We strolled into my house and made sure we locked the door behind us.


Wow. #Scary. Hahahaha ok um. Like share comment click subscribe to Marcus he'll put a smile on your face I garunree hell
Make your day.
Bye felciauaiaiuaiaiauaiaiaaiaiiaiaaiaiiaiaiaiaiaiiaiaiaiiaiaiaiaiiaiaiaiaiaiia

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