Chapter 19

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The whole Tribe knew of the Shadowmoon attack. Yesterday he announced it, and we had spent the whole day training and hunting, even the pups were thought how to defend themselves. I had noticed the moon getting darker each night. It had specks of red dotting it. They will come soon. I thought. Tomorrow is the next full moon.
Of course! I thought. The tomorrow! I raced to FallingRiver, the silver wolf was sitting on the flat Rock overlooking the outside of camp. "FallingRiver!" I called. He turned as I came up beside him. "It's tomorrow!" I panted.
He jumped to his paws. "Are you sure?!" He asked urgently." I nodded.
"Yes! Haven't you seen the moon? It's darker than usual; tomorrow is the next full moon." I said to him.
"Of course, that makes sense." He whispered half to himself.
He then howled for a meeting, for the whole tribe had to know.
The Tribe gathered around him. "Darkmoon! The Shadowmoon wolves will attack tomorrow I must go to Darkfoot and tell him!" He announced. "I will bring Star, and Icestorm!" He finished, looking over at us, as his sister and I walked up beside him. The sun was high in the sky by the time we left. We walked fast through the plains the rocky surface turned to a grassy field. The spread out oak tree branches moved in the fast wind. Soon we got to the gorge, I had figured out that it was the border. We crossed with a jammed log. I looked up at the clouded sky I could see the sun setting. The days are shorter. I thought. We soon found the camp with the scent of many wolves that I haven't even met.
I saw as Darkfoot approached the entrance, aware of our arrival. "Darkfoot." FallingRiver greeted dipping his head.
"We have news of the Shadowmoon attack." He said. Darkfoot suddenly looked interested. "They will attack tomorrow, since its a full moon, Star has noticed the moon growing darker and dotted with red." He finished. I saw Darkfoot's eyes widen.
"Tomorrow?!" He asked staring at me.
I nodded. "Isn't it obvious? The moon is full tomorrow and is dark with red shades." I confirmed, as he whispered something that I couldn't hear. "Thank you for telling me, let's hope that we will be lucky tomorrow." He said turning to my leader.
"Yes, we will need all the luck we can get."

"The battle is coming......."

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