Preview of: Sun Pact

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                  The The sun's golden light filtered the darkened den, as Amberfur's light brown tail twitched on the stone ground. She lifted her head, while letting out a soft grunt.
Her tired eyes scanned the den, searching for her brothers but, the two were no where to be seen.
Amberfur started to get to her paws while a large yawn escaped through her opened muzzle.
She slowly walked out into the light on sore legs; she had to catch the running mountain rabbits the day before, which of course was for the tribe, and had definitely tired her out.
As she stepped out into the open, she noticed right away that her mother, Halfmoon was lying on the ground with her grayish brown tail moving slowly to each side with sharp, but slow movements.
Amberfur looked away from her mother and decided to let her rest in the sun.
Eyeing the rest of the camp, she saw her older brother, Shadow who was sitting beside Falling River while Star sat close by just watching the two converse, as she wasn't normally one to be out going; unless needed to be that is.
The copper colored wolf started towards her brother and leader, intending on asking where LightningTail was.
She felt the warmed stone ground touch the pads of her paws as she walked.
Falling River turned to her as she approached. He dipped his head, "Hello, Amberfur."
By this time Shadow had also turned to stare at her with his bright yellow eyes. "Hey." She said happily while glancing to each of the three wolves. Star had nodded at her in greetings, as Shadow just blinked at her and said, "Hi."
Amberfur rested her gaze on her leader, "Where did LightningTail go off to?" She asked while looking over her shoulder to once again, search for her missing brother, only to see no one but her mother. (Who still was lying on the ground.)
"He went out with Icestorm and a few others for prey." He replied.
Amberfur nodded and sat down, unsure of what to do now, She just decided to wait for her brother's return.
           Shadow, and Falling River continued in their previous conversation, Star was contributing once in a while, but Amberfur, turned her head to stare at the horizon, not really caring about what they were talking about, as it did not concern her.
            The sun had risen past the skyline, but was still not at its greatest height. The colors of sunrise filled up the sky, the most prominent color there was a golden yellow, just like the sun its self.
She had a strange feeling, as if something was wrong. The battle with Shadowmoon was long over, but the sense of danger still fills the air, Amberfur gazed at the golden sky, knowing that something else is coming their way but she doesn't know what, or maybe even who.

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