Last Blood Drop

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If I could take all this pain away..

I closed my eyes letting the smoke sip out through my lips. My head was leaning against the painted wall of my empty room, the smell of alcohol in every corner. Money scattered around the floor, way easier for me to pick up and get for the day. My phone went off, so I picked it up. It was a friend of mine updating me as to what was going on in my boyfriend's school.

I had been expelled from my other school, and I didn't have enough time to enrol in his, but I had a friend to it for me. He befriended him, but it seemed as if he only did it because he gave him free drugs.

"Yes Bryan?" I asked taking the cigar out my mouth.

"Your little friend was beaten up this afternoon."

"Why didn't you stop the bully?"

"I was alone and it was the entire crew man!"

"Fuck you Bryan." I sighed and hang up.

Standing up, I dusted myself off and picked up some money to buy a few things. I had come with this decision a long time ago, but didn't really do it. I wanted to re-do my house, like an extreme make over to make it liveable for me and my boyfriend. I wanted to get him out that house he has he doesn't like, and take care of him.

He's my lovely little angel.

But first I need a stable job and to study to get more income in the future. I didn't want him to live of mashed potatoes and macaroons like I've been living so far.

Out the house through a window, I made a list of what I needed. I was skilled at creating shit, so I knew I didn't need any help to make doors, craft handles and stuff. I could buy the necessary and make it look as good as those model houses.

I'd do everything for him, and I'm sure he'd like this news.

Whose to say that it's you to blame?

I stepped through the window onto the chair he had out there so that I wouldn't make a sound when coming in and found him shirtless, all soaked in water and blood sitting by the edge of the bed. Worried, I walked up to him and hugged him. When he winced and pulled away was that I noticed how horrible his wounds were.

I was so angry, yet so worried.

I'll enrol in that shitty school for him for sure this year. It's only two more months 'till summer hits, therefore we shouldn't wait too long. I'll beat the shit out of those fuckers.

"What happened to you?"

"I'm ok." He whispered twiddling his thumbs, "I provoked the bastard, I deserved it."

I sighed and came closer sitting on the bed. "Fe, stop doing things you know will end up hurting you."

Why do you keep lying to me, Felix?

He looked down.

I wrapped my arms around him again, though careful not to hurt him this time and ran my fingertips through his ribs soothingly. He placed his hands on my chest and smiled leaning to kiss me. I couldn't help but smile upon the kiss and kissed back.

We started making out, but he then pulled from my lips. I was going to question when he turned up the music and locked the door.

"Let's have fun~" He suggested.

I smiled taking his shirt off.

"Are you sure? You're hurt."

"It adds more pleasure." He teased.

I chuckled and felt him sit on my lap as I sat on his bed, my back against it's back. He wrapped his arms around my neck tilting his head to a side. Our tongues wrestled as my hands touched him as careful as possible not to hurt him. He seemed to notice, and took my hand on his entwining our fingers.

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