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Note: I had writer's block when I wrote this chapter, so I hope it's good.


The commanding voice echoed through the underwater realm, carrying an authority that demanded immediate compliance. Percy and Poseidon froze, their weapons momentarily suspended in the charged water. From the swirling depths emerged Rhea, the Titaness of Motherhood, her presence radiating a blend of maternal fierceness and divine power. Rhea was an extraordinarily beautiful woman, with long golden hair that flowed around her like liquid sunlight and piercing green eyes that held a commanding intensity. Accompanying her were Hades and Zeus, both transformed with shimmering mermaid tails, their expressions revealing their distinct reactions to the confrontation.

Hades' dark eyes observed the battle with intense interest, following every clash and movement with a fascination that spoke of deeper intrigue. His gaze was sharp, analyzing the combatants' strategies and the ebb and flow of their elemental powers. It was clear that he found the display of power both impressive and revealing.

While Hades appeared as a young, handsome man, Zeus, on the other hand, looked like a small, frail old man with sunken eyes that gleamed with battle-crazed excitement. His appearance was a stark contrast to Hades. He watched the fight with manic enthusiasm, his face alight with the thrill of divine combat. It was as if the clash of elemental forces had ignited a primal joy within him, and he reveled in the chaos with barely restrained energy.

Rhea's eyes blazed as she looked at Poseidon, her gaze seething with an intensity that made the very water around her seem to quiver. "Poseidon, what do you think you're doing? This is not the way to handle matters! You've gone too far!"

Poseidon's expression faltered, a flicker of unease crossing his face. "Mother, this is my matter to resolve. She—"

Rhea cut him off, her voice slicing through the water like a blade. "Enough! This isn't just about you or your ego. This is not about proving your strength or asserting dominance. Have you forgotten the responsibilities that come with your power? Now you've taken that power and used it on someone who doesn't deserve it! You are endangering everything in this realm!"

"I felt the tremor of their battle from 'downstairs,'" said Hades jokingly to lighten the atmosphere, though his face showed a hint of concern.

"And I can sense any epic battle anywhere, so I had to come down here!" Zeus exclaimed with a wild look, his frail frame trembling with excitement.

"I needed to make her submit to me, Mother!" Poseidon yelled furiously.

"This is not how things should go, Poseidon!" Rhea yelled back. "Put down your trident!"

Poseidon, though clearly displeased, reluctantly lowered his trident. The divine light that had been pulsating around him dimmed slightly. He looked at Percy with a burning intensity.

Percy, panting from the exertion of the battle, looked at the trio with wariness. "Who are you?" she asked, looking specifically at Rhea and Zeus.

Hades decided to do the introduction. "Percy, since you've already met me, let me introduce them. This is our mother Rhea, the Titaness of Motherhood, and Zeus here is Poseidon's and my brother."

"I am so happy to meet you, Percilla," said Rhea.

"Ooh, I finally get to meet my—" Zeus began, but Hades clamped a hand on his shoulder. "I mean, the girl who caught my brother's attention!" Zeus finished.

Percy raised an eyebrow at that, then asked, "Are you all here to stop this fight?"

Rhea nodded firmly. "Yes, Percy. We are here to ensure that you are treated fairly and that this situation is resolved with reason, not brute force."

"But I don't want the fight to stop," Percy said, her voice filled with determination despite her exhaustion.

The water around them seemed to still in the wake of Percy's words. Rhea's eyes widened in shock, her golden hair shimmering as if reflecting her surprise. Hades raised an eyebrow, his expression a mix of astonishment and intrigue. Even Zeus, typically consumed by his manic enthusiasm, looked momentarily taken aback, his sunken eyes widening with disbelief.

Poseidon, however, was the most visibly shocked. His trident wavered, and the divine light around him dimmed even further. The imposing god's expression shifted from intense focus to one of utter astonishment as he stared at Percy, his previous confidence faltering.

Percy could hardly believe Poseidon's audacity to look shocked. He was the one who instigated it in the first place.

Still panting from the battle's exertion, Percy met the tyrant's stunned gaze with a fierce glare. "I don't want this fight to stop because I want to beat you into a pulp for kidnapping me from my world! You've taken me from everything I cared about!"

Rhea's eyes softened. "Percy, you have the right to be angry, but violence is not the answer. We must address this situation with reasoning."

Percy glared at all of them, her eyes blazing. "I want Poseidon to feel my wrath. I want him to understand what it's like to be torn from everything you know and love. I want him to experience the same helplessness and anger I've felt!"

Rhea took a deep breath, trying to calm the tension in the water. Her gaze remained steady and compassionate as she addressed Percy. "Percy, I understand. It's clear you cannot stay with Poseidon, and it's evident that this situation has caused you immense distress. Why don't you stay with me instead?"

Percy eyed Rhea suspiciously. "Why would you offer me that?"

Rhea opened her mouth to respond, but before she could reveal more, Hades moved closer and whispered urgently into her ear.

"Mother, don't. Poseidon didn't tell her yet."

Percy narrowed her eyes at this.

Rhea's eyes widened, and she closed her mouth. She looked towards Poseidon in disapproval, which he pretended to ignore by looking away.

Rhea turned back to Percy, her voice gentle but firm. "I am just concerned for your well-being. It's important to ensure your safety, given the circumstances. Your rage towards my son is understandable, but my offer is genuine. We can find a resolution that doesn't involve further conflict between you two."

"How about you guys send me home instead of Poseidon?" Percy demanded.

Rhea's gaze turned somber. "I'm afraid I can't offer that solution, Percy. Neither I nor any of the other gods possess the power to send you back to your world. Only Chaos and Poseidon have that capability."

Chaos, the primordial of the void? Percy thought.

"Chaos I would understand, but why does only Poseidon have the ability?" she asked.

"Because Chaos granted it to my brother," Hades answered.

"Why?!" Percy exclaimed in disbelief.

Hades continued, "The reason behind Chaos granting Poseidon the ability to enter another realm is known only to Poseidon himself. He has never shared the details of what he discussed with Chaos with anyone," he said, casting a sidelong glance at the silent god of the sea.

Percy threw her hands up in frustration, with one hand still holding Riptide. "Okay, since obviously this asshole won't let me leave unless I beat the shit out of him, let us finish this fight!" She directed the last part at Poseidon.

"Yes! Let them continue the fight!" Zeus readily agreed, nodding his head energetically.

"NO!" Rhea and Hades shouted simultaneously.

"Why not?!" Percy asked in irritation.

The Titaness and the God of the Dead exchanged subtle, hesitant glances.

Rhea caught Poseidon's gaze.

My son, tell her the truth, she said to him telepathically.

The Sea Tyrant's Obsession (PJO x ROR) *18+* WTM/WTSWhere stories live. Discover now