Chapter Seven: Unlocked

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[Darius's POV]

The moment I carried Luna into the mansion, my heart was heavy with worry. Her pale face and the pain etched into her features made it clear that she was gravely injured. I laid her gently on one of the guest beds, trying to suppress the surge of anxiety that threatened to overwhelm me. Luna's mother, Dahlia, was summoned immediately.

She arrived swiftly, her expression one of practiced calm. Her eyes, though, betrayed a hint of concern as she approached Luna's bedside. "We need to act quickly," she said, her voice steady but urgent. "The injuries are serious, and we must ensure she heals properly."

Dahlia began her assessment, her fingers deftly tracing the contours of Luna's injuries. "I'll need to unlock her suppressed powers," she explained. "It will allow her body to heal more effectively. But this process is delicate; we must be cautious."

Over the next few hours, Dahlia worked meticulously, weaving intricate spells and applying various remedies to Luna's wounds. I watched with bated breath, hoping that her expertise would be enough to stabilize Luna. The days that followed were a blur of constant vigilance and worry.

Each day, Dahlia employed different witch remedies—herbal poultices, enchanted salves, and restorative potions. These treatments were meant to alleviate the pain and aid in the healing process. Dahlia's magic was gentle but powerful, a soothing presence in the midst of Luna's suffering.

As the days progressed, I could see Luna's condition improving, albeit slowly. Her breathing became more regular, and the color returned to her cheeks, though she remained unconscious. Each morning, Dahlia would perform a series of rituals designed to unlock and enhance Luna's inherent powers. It was a complex and demanding process, requiring precise control and a deep understanding of magical energies.

On the second day, Dahlia began to sense that Luna's suppressed powers were beginning to stir. "She's responding to the treatments," she said to me, her tone a mix of relief and cautious optimism. "Her body is starting to recognize its own strength. We need to keep encouraging it."

We continued the routine—applying remedies, performing spells, and monitoring Luna's condition. It was exhausting, but I refused to leave her side. Every time she stirred or showed signs of waking, my heart would leap with hope, only to be dashed when she fell back into unconsciousness.

By the third day, Luna's condition had reached a critical point. Dahlia was using every trick she knew to accelerate the healing process. She infused Luna's room with a warm, comforting light and chanted incantations that reverberated through the air, weaving threads of magic into her very being. I could see the strain on her face as she concentrated, her brow furrowed in concentration.

In the late afternoon, Luna began to show signs of distress. Her body tensed, and she started to moan softly, a sound that cut through me like a knife. I felt helpless, unable to alleviate her suffering despite everything we were doing.

Dahlia's face was pale as she administered a final, potent elixir. "This should push her powers to awaken fully," she said, her voice tight with worry. "It's a powerful brew, and it may cause her discomfort. But it's necessary."

As the elixir took effect, Luna's moans turned into pained cries. Her body writhed on the bed, and I could see sweat glistening on her forehead. I held her hand tightly, trying to offer what comfort I could. "You're strong, Luna," I whispered, though I was unsure if she could hear me. "You're almost there."

The room was filled with a tense silence, punctuated only by Luna's agonized cries. The magic Dahlia was using seemed to amplify her pain as it wrested control from her suppressed powers. I could see the strain on Dahlia's face as she continued her work, her hands moving in intricate patterns as she chanted softly.

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