Chapter 24

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Saborrido stirred awake slowly, his head throbbing slightly as he blinked against the harsh light above him. He tried to move, but his arms and legs were restrained. His heart rate spiked, panic setting in as he realized his wrists and ankles were tied tightly to a bed frame, his limbs spread wide.

Saborrido: Wh-What the F!?

He muttered, his mind racing.

Saborrido: The F happened...?

The last thing he remembered was Aqua pressing something over his face her hagoromo, he realized. She'd suffocated him until he passed out. But now... where was he?

He looked around, his eyes adjusting. The room had a futuristic look, with clean lines and cold, metallic fixtures. It wasn't hard to guess where he was this was Aqua's personal room in the mansion.

Suddenly, the door creaked open.

Aqua entered, wearing a smug smile as she approached him, her eyes gleaming with unsettling excitement.

Aqua: Oh, you're awake!

Her voice sweet and unsettling at the same time.

Aqua: I was worried I might've been too rough~

Saborrido tugged at his restraints again, glaring up at her.

Saborrido: Aqua, what the F is this?! Why the F did you knock me out and tie me up?!

Aqua's eyes narrowed, her smile fading slightly.

Aqua: Because you need to understand something, Saborrido.

Her tone shifting to one of cool determination.

Aqua: You're mine. I want you to be loyal to me, to cherish me, adore me like the goddess I am!

Saborrido's face twisted in disbelief and anger.

Saborrido: I'm not loyal to you! I never agreed to that! If anything, I prefer Eris over you! You're out of your mind if you think.

Aqua's eyes flashed with fury, and before Saborrido could finish, she climbed onto the bed, straddling him as she grabbed his collar.

Aqua: What did you say?! Eris?! That padded-chested junior goddess?! You can't possibly be serious!

Aqua shouted, her face inches from his, her breath hot with anger.

Aqua: She's a fake, a fraud! Her followers are only blessed with big chests because she uses them to seduce men into donating! Is that who you'd rather serve?!

Saborrido's face darkened with disbelief.

Saborrido: That's not true! You're just making things up to make her look bad! What's your problem with her anyway? Why do you hate Eris so much?

Aqua scoffed, still gripping his shirt.

Aqua: Hate her? No, I don't hate her! I just like making fun of her! She padded her chest in the god realm, and I won't let her forget it!

Saborrido clenched his fists, trying to control his frustration.

Saborrido: That doesn't matter to me. F, I've even thought about joining the Eris Order myself!

Aqua's face twisted into a sneer of rage, her eyes burning with jealousy.

Aqua: You will not join the Eris Order! You'll join the Axis Cult, and you'll use your advanced technology to help us grow stronger, so we can crush the Eris Order once and for all!

Saborrido's heart sank. So this was it. Aqua's true colors were finally showing. Her obsessive nature and hunger for control.

Saborrido: I'll never F join the Axis Cult.

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⏰ Last updated: a day ago ⏰

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