Chapter Four

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I fell asleep after two in the morning. That's when we were both.....satisfied, for lack of a better term.

I never expected my first time to be with my first love, or last for hours like that. It was embarrassing to lay here in his arms and think about it like it was a fantasy I dreamed up. I knew the night wasn't fake because neither one of us were clothed in the slightest under the covers.

I didn't have a blurry moment in that memory. Everything that happened, everything I felt was still fresh in my mind.

I opened my eyes and saw Daehyun's sleeping face above me. I was cuddled up next to him, my head on his chest. His right arm was tightly holding me to him and his left hand held my fingers in a death grasp.

I sighed contently and smiled. The only thing that would make me feel even better was a warm shower. I know I probably needed it.

I slowly wiggled my fingers out of his hand then placed my palm on his chest, pushing myself up. His arm fell to the bed behind me and I suddenly felt bad for just ditching him like this, but I remembered sweating last night so I needed that shower.

I moved over a little and placed his hand on his stomach, then reached down and pulled the covers up more, to cover his gorgeous body.

I slid off the bed and searched around for my boxers. I found them, slipped them on, and moved over to his attached bathroom.

I went straight to the shower and turned it on then started my search for a wash cloth and a towel. I found them in a small closet next to the shower and picked out the color I liked the best since there was just about every single one in there.

I didn't take too long, thinking that Daehyun might have wanted to take one too and that I didn't want to leave him for long.

I stepped out and wrapped the towel around my waist. I moved over to the sink and started to wipe the steam off the mirror.

Then an arm reached around my waist and his chin rested on my shoulder, "Morning."

"Good morning," I brought my arm back to my body. Looking in the mirror I could see he had his boxers on and he was still half asleep.

"You left me, you meanie. I was planning on cuddling with you," he smiled.

"Well you slept too long," I smirked.
He went quiet and just looked at me in the mirror, then his lips curled into a smile and he let his forehead rest on my shoulder.

"What?" I blushed.

He chuckled a little, "I hope my dad got some sleep. You weren't quiet at all."

"Dae!" My blush deepened and I pouted, "Don't say that! It's embarrassing."

"Sorry, Jaejae," he lifted his head, still smiling, "Holy shit," his arm came off my waist and his fingers shot to my neck, "Did I do that?"

"What?" I turned my head to the side and saw a big purple bruise in the mirror, "Oh, Dae. People are gonna notice that."

"Don't worry about it," he reached into the top drawer on his sink and pulled out a tub of powder, "We don't have exactly the same skin tone, but if I just use a little it should be alright."

"What is it?" I asked as he started to dab my neck with a little sponge.

"Some kind of makeup. I use it to make myself look better if I have a red spot or something, you know, insecurities," he shrugged.

"Oh, okay," I didn't see what he had to be insecure about. Although, if he covered it up with this stuff I wouldn't ever see it, "Dae, about what you said last night, why haven't you ever loved someone before?"

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