the break up

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My eyes weld with tears as I felt like I had no purpose for life anymore. I called the only person I could trust at the weakest moment.

"C-Cameron can you come over ?" I stuttered as more tears fall.

"Of course Beth be there in five." Cameron says, I hung up and crawled into a ball position on the couch.

I felt my makeup melt away as I cried even harder, the doorbell rang and I dragged myself to the door.

I opened the door and was engulfed into large two arms. I looked up to see Cameron's dark brown eyes.

"I brought comfort food, you better tell me what this bastard did to you." We both shuffled to couch, and pulled out the ice cream out the grocery bag.

"I ended it. Kian was cheating on me with Paige after all we have been through the past thee months ." I said shoveling down more ice cream.

"Beth it's going to be okay, everything is going to be alright. He never deserved you in the first place." Cameron cupped my cheeks as he tried to comfort me.

"You deserve me." He whispered softly

I felt his soft lips passionately press against mine, as our lips moved in perfect sync. I saw fireworks, and I felt sparks that were indescribable.

He pulled away and inched the back of his neck, nervously smiling like a fool. "You don't know how long I've waited to do that."

"Just do it again." I bit my my lip as I smashed my lips against his.


wow i haven't written in forever but i hope you liked it and expect more from me on this account (:

ily damnitdallas

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