Let's Go Back A Step

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Alvin's POV

The year is 3075. My name is Alvin Walker and I'm a life clock. My life has been nothing but hell and torture, but that's when my friends including my best friend and partner Lavidia Zimmerman, come to me with support and hope. I don't know how to say this, but German, sorry, General Rodriguez assigned me to go back three days ago to deliver a rose to my ex-girlfriend, Jenna Keiner. I could only imagine why. She was pregnant. I knew that from the spot on. But it also struck me hard to think that our dream for when we were together was to have a child, but I realized that when work got harder and harder, I needed to end such a graceful relationship for the greater good. I wasn't always going to be around and I knew that from when I was chosen. I mean me and Jenna have been a couple way before I was picked randomly to be a clock. And on that night that I broke up with her, the night of Lavidia's first year anniversary  of being a death clock, I had that night planned to ask her to marry me. I guess plans don't always go as you expect them to go. 

         I landed in a small field of trees and grass, east from the hospital parking warehouse. My clothes turned into a nurses outfit just as I walked out. I then knew I had to emerge from the shadows because no one was allowed after sunset and once sunset comes, all hospitals lock down for the night. No one in, no one out.

                I hear the alarm, but can't find the ER entry way. I time in on my watch. "General, I need a teleportation, fast." I jogged around the EHV hover, (Emergency Hospital Vehicle) when suddenly my vision went from the nice setting of the sun to a black blur. Instantly, I was inside of the operation wing, then I was buzzed. "Commander Walker, come in. Commander Walker, come in."  I look down. "I'm here, I'm inside." The screen to my watch buzzes a picture, but it's all hazy. "I've placed a blue print inside of your glasses. Walker you have exactly one hour to complete this mission. " I looked inside of my pocket and pulled out a pair of spectacles. Once I put them on, the whole place turned blue and on the side of my left lens was the map German gave me. I took a deep breath and walked to the check-in Comm-Droid. The screen rolled the text: PLEASE ENTER BLOOD SAMPLE TO IDENTIFY USER. The second time it scrolled across the screen, the little droid deposited a needle the size of a toothpick. I picked it up and poked it on my finger. The sight of blood makes me nauseous, so seeing my own blood makes me want to pass out.  I rubbed the dew sized drop of blood on the scanner. It only took moments before the droid came back with results.






I skim through the options. Patient findings. I press it and soon a window pops up. "SEARCH FOR THE PERSON YOU ARE LOOKING FOR." I quickly type in Jenna Keiner. Four names pop up. Jena Kinar. Jenha Keiner. Jessica Keiner. Jenna Reece. My glasses scan the screen and I press the exit button.  As the glasses look up at what time, room, and date of these four women, the first result was Jena Kinar. I knew deep down that that definitely was not Jenna, but I couldn't afford to not take chances. So I look at the coordinates and and the wing she is in. Once the little blue print gives me a dot to the east operation wing, I find a small corner where there isn't people buzzing around to save lives. And once I was sure no one saw me, I mental transported, or MT-ed, myself to that wing.

I landed in a dim room and a series of humming noises fulfilled my head. Then I froze in front of a window, overlooking the beauty of the forest that surrounded the hospital and separated it from the busy streets of Calmin City. So beautifu-

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