The New Kid in Class

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I slide into my seat at the back of the class, pretending to be calm. Except, I'm not. My heart's still racing from earlier, and my brain won't let me forget the fact that I made a complete fool of myself in front of some random alley-dweller. I can already feel the chaos of the day sticking to me like glue.

Just stay cool, Izuku. 

You've survived worse.

The bell rings, and the teacher walks in, looking like he's had enough of us for the day. Not that I blame him. We're not exactly the quietest class.

Teacher: "Alright, class, we've got a new student joining us today. Let's give her a warm welcome."

I glance at the door, and there she is. The same girl from earlier. She walks in like she owns the place, calm and collected, not even sparing a glance my way. Which is fine. Totally fine. Maybe she doesn't remember me crashing into her like a human wrecking ball earlier.

Teacher: "This is Eri. She'll be with us for the rest of the year. Find an empty seat, and we'll get started."

Eri moves through the rows of desks, and, because the universe clearly hates me, she takes the empty seat right next to mine. I sit up straighter, hoping I don't look as awkward as I feel. She doesn't even glance in my direction, just pulls out her notebook and starts scribbling down whatever the teacher is saying.

Okay, she doesn't recognize me. 

This is good. 

This is very good.

I try to focus on class, but my brain won't shut up. It's replaying every humiliating second of my earlier parkour escape, and I can't help but feel like things are about to get worse. Right on cue, the classroom door slams open, and I know exactly who's responsible.

Why does this always happen to me?

Bakugo stomps into the room, radiating pure anger, eyes scanning for his target. Guess who that is? Spoiler: it's me. He doesn't even care that class has already started. His whole mission in life seems to be making mine as miserable as possible.

Bakugo: "Oi, Deku. You thought you could run?"

Yes. Yes, I did. 

And it was going so well...

Before Bakugo can do more than glare in my direction, I make the only decision that makes sense: I run again. No way I'm sticking around to find out what "revenge" Bakugo has planned for me today. I'm out the door before he can even take another step, sprinting down the hallway like my life depends on it.

Me: "Sorry, can't stay! Places to be, lives to save—mostly my own!"

I can hear Bakugo yelling behind me, but I don't stop. I know better than that. Rule number one when dealing with Bakugo: don't let him catch you. I fly down the stairs, turn a sharp corner, and head straight for the roof. It's my best bet. I can outrun him once I'm outside, where the whole city becomes my personal parkour playground.

I burst through the door to the roof, the cool breeze hitting my face as I pick up speed. My feet barely touch the ground as I leap from the school's rooftop to the next building, rolling smoothly as I land. This is where I feel free—no Bakugo, no school, just the wind and the city beneath me.

Me: "Now this is what I'm talking about."

I jump across another rooftop, swinging under pipes and vaulting over obstacles like it's second nature. This is where I'm at my best—moving, running, parkouring. For a moment, I let myself enjoy it. No Bakugo, no drama, just me and the rooftops. I land on a ledge and pause, catching my breath as I look back, expecting Bakugo to be behind me.

But no Bakugo.

Me: "Safe... for now."

Just as I'm starting to relax, I hear footsteps behind me. Except, they're not Bakugo's. These are slower, more deliberate. I turn around, and my heart sinks. It's the guy from earlier. The one with the scarf and the whole "I might be homeless" vibe. He's standing there, arms crossed, watching me with this look that says, "Really, kid? You again?"


Just what I needed.

Me: "Uh... hey."

Scarf Guy: "What are you doing up here, kid?"

Me: "Just, uh... getting some fresh air?"

Scarf Guy doesn't look amused. He narrows his eyes at me, and I immediately regret saying anything. Who is this guy, anyway? And why does he keep showing up wherever I am? Is he following me?

Nah, that's crazy. 

He's just a random guy. 

With a really intense scarf....

One hell of a weird hero....

Scarf Guy: "You're running from something."

Me: "What? No! Pff, me? Running? From what?"

He raises an eyebrow, and I can feel my face heating up. Okay, maybe running was a dead giveaway.

Scarf Guy: "Go back to school."

Me: "Uh, yeah, I was just... on my way back. Definitely."

I take a cautious step back, but Scarf Guy doesn't move. He's still watching me like he's trying to figure me out, which is pretty unnerving. What's his deal? Does he just hang out on rooftops waiting for random kids to parkour by?

Scarf Guy: "Stay out of trouble."

Easier said than done, but thanks for the tip.

I give him a quick nod and slowly back away, making my way toward the edge of the building. As soon as I'm out of his line of sight, I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding.

Okay, that was weird. 

But at least I'm not being chased anymore.

I parkour my way back toward the school, jumping between buildings and trying not to think too much about the mysterious scarf guy. What kind of person just hangs out on rooftops, anyway? By the time I reach the school, the adrenaline's wearing off, and I'm starting to feel the exhaustion set in.

I sneak back into the building, hoping nobody notices how late I am. When I slip into my seat, I realize Eri's already in class, sitting quietly and taking notes like nothing out of the ordinary has happened.

Of course, she has no idea I just nearly got caught by a rooftop-dwelling scarf guy....aka her dad... again..... she will tho....

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