Chapter 10

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Chapter Ten - date

Her first day at her new school was today. Because of the project she had been 'home' schooled for a while. They weren't allowed to leave the place they were living before they'd move to their new home, in fear of them running away. Essi understood that. If she would have had the chance then she would have definitely ran away. Marco was always persistent in bringing her back.

She was up early, and wanted to look somewhat presentable. She was only going to make a first impression once. Essi hoped nobody knew that she was that girl who lived with Marco Reus. She didn't want to be know as that. She just wanted to be Essi.

Essi didn't have any friends back at her previous school. Mostly because she didn't want to be friends with any of them. But today was a new start for her, a new chance. Maybe if she could actually make friends before they all found out who she was, then at least she knew they were real friends. Not just pathetic girls who wanted to meet Marco.

Walking into the class wasn't really a problem for Essi. All the staring faces weren't really a problem either. The teacher however, oh she was a problem. Her voice was so high pitched that Essi would be surprised if she wasn't deaf by the end of the class. She started introducing her as 'the new student' and asked Essi to come up to the front of the class. As much as she despised it, she did as she was told. Might be better not to get into an argument with a teacher at the first day of school. When the teacher was done, she could finally return to her seat. Which was somewhere in the middle of the class, close to the window.

A girl with similar hair colour to hers was sat next to her. The girl was wearing black skinny jeans and a dark green blouse. Her outfit looked really pretty on her. She seemed to be a nice person.

"My name's Sophie." She smiled. Essi smiled back, "Essi."

Sophie didn't seem to know about her living with Marco, which was a huge relief to her. "Show me your schedule." Sophie whispered.

Essi did as Sophie told her, and watched her while she scanned it. "We have most classes together. I could show you around if you want."

See, nice person.

"Yeah, that would be nice." Essi smiled. They both turned their attention back to the teacher. By the end of the class Essi and Sophie already chatted as if they had been friends for a very long time.

"I know! I'm surprised you're not deaf yet. You've been dealing with that teacher for the past half year?" Essi asked her in disbelief. Sophie had made a comment about that teachers voice. It was as if she was voicing Essi's thoughts.

"Yes! Can you believe it." They chatted and laughed happily with each other as they walked to their next class.

"Do you want to come sit with us?" Sophie asked her when lunch had begun. Essi nodded. She way grateful that Sophie asked.

"Hey guys, this is Essi. She's new to our school, would you mind if she sat with us?" She asked the group of people she apparently sat with at lunch. Everyone agreed to it. Sophie started to introduce everyone, "Okay, this is Gwen. Then you have Julian, Aria , Jasmin and lastly Søren.

"Nice to meet you, Essi." Jasmin was the first one to speak up. "You too." She answered with a smile. It actually felt really good to have these people surrounding her. The thought of making friends had terrified her at first, but now that she was sat here, having a good time she didn't know what she was so scared of. Maybe it was the fact that these people could possible be her first friends ever.

She snuck a glance at the guy named Søren, only to find him looking at her as well. He was a really handsome guy, with icy blue eyes and golden blond hair. Essi quickly turned her glance elsewhere.

After lunch she had a class without Sophie. She wasn't really looking forward to this period because she would be all alone once again. Essi sat down somewhere in the middle again. She was a bit surprised when she sensed someone came sitting next to her. When she looked up, she found Søren sitting there.

"Hey." He greeted her. Essi composed herself again quickly and greeted him back. They talked for a bit more,

"You have a bit of an accent." She commented. He smiled and nodded, "I'm Danish." He told her. Essi thought his accent was absolutely adorable.

By the end of the class they walked out together, "Would you be up for doing something with me this Saturday?"

Now that was a question she hadn't expected. "Yeah sure. What did you have in mind?"

"I don't know yet," he answered. "But let it be a surprise." He gave her a wink. Essi blushed at that, something she never did.

For the rest of the day she wore a smile on her face. The smile on Søren's faces matched hers.

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