Chapter 6

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Wind buffeted the fur on Alderpaw's pelt, uncomfortably pushing it the wrong way. He squinted his watery eyes against the fierce gust, barely managing to stagger forward. The simple act of walking took him as much effort as climbing a tree for each step of the way.

Even the presence of the older cats walking in front of him did not lessen the strength of gale. They too moved in slow motion like a rabbit stuck in mud. Leafpool's lithe form strained against the onslaught, her fur whipping and her head leaned back. She had directed the younger cats to stay in the back so the going would be easier, but she seemed to be having just as bad a time as the apprentices.

Little Sparkpaw slowly turned to him and opened her jaws to speak, but her voice could not be heard over the roaring. She gagged for a frightening moment as the wind stuck in her throat, but shook her head and longingly looked back to the horseplace.

Alderpaw itched to run back to the barn as well. He wistfully remembered the cozy, comfortable moss and the warm scent of prey. The tom would've done anything to even see Smoky or Coriander again. It would be better than this torturous ascent up the hills, with the frigid air seeping into his bones.

"This place is too cold for the Dark Forest!" Hollytuft yowled, her voice drifting back to Alderpaw on the ferocious breeze. He silently agreed with a shiver.

"We should have never gone on this mouse-brained quest," the dark ginger tom muttered, lashing his tail-- or at least attempting to-- against the perpetual blast of air. "WindClan cats would have gone racing to their dens by now!"

Leafpool looked like she was going to say something, then blinked and stumbled back as she was almost carried off her paws. Sorrelstripe quickly darted up to support her and gazed at her with concern flashing in her eyes. "They're right. We have to find shelter. There's no way to continue on in this."

Why didn't anyone else point this out before? Alderpaw swung his had left to right, squinting his eyes, but it seemed impossible to make out anything in the storm of the screaming sky. Suddenly Fernsong stiffened in front of him and wheeled around to point somewhere.

"I see something!" the yellow tabby shouted, struggling over to the direction he faced. Alderpaw would've gasped if he wasn't already breathless: there was a small rise only a few fox-lengths away with a shadowy entrance. A cave!

With no need for encouragement, Sparkpaw began charging over to the bump in the earth, enthusiastically waving her tail. "Come on!" she cried. "Do you want to get out of this or not?"

The others did not need to be asked twice. Alderpaw gritted his teeth as he pumped his legs against the grassy hill, feeling his muscles ache even more. But it will be worth it, he told himself. Anything to get out of this StarClan-forsaken place.

"Wait! You don't know what might be in there!" Leafpool's urgent protest rang through the wind. "Slow down before you do anything rash!"

"Are you kidding? There's a refuge from this, and I'm not about to pass that up!" Fernsong cast an incredulous glance over his shoulder before ducking into the gaping hole of the cave, his tabby stripes vanishing into shadows.

Leafpool's eyes were round with desperation, but Alderpaw couldn't help agreeing with Fernsong. He felt as if his whole pelt was about to be ripped off in the wind. With a look of apology, he followed the others and heaved himself into the entrance, not caring if the pitch blackness felt ominous.

Panting, the five cats waited for their eyes to adjust to the light, or lack thereof. Alderpaw collapsed in a grateful heap. He never felt so glad for the feeling of hard earth under his paws and the stillness of air. The wind rushed overhead in a sound like thunder, but all was calm inside the cave.

A Vision of Shadows #1: The Apprentice's Questजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें