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"Congratulations honey, we can not express how proud we are of you" my mother says hugging me. "Thank you so much" I throw my arms around her embracing her. I'm so thrilled and my happiness is above all the expectations. Today is my graduation day. I've just graduated university after the long three years that I've spent devoted to my studies. Finally I'm accomplishing something, finally I can start living the life I've always wanted, finally im free and endepended. This is the new me.
Me presenting my reaserch was one of the proudest moment of my life. And the look on my fathers face was all worth it, it made me want to run towards the judges table screaming and cheering my way to them, hugging them all.. Well that would've been a bit inappropriate and shameful and probably I wouldn't be graduating at this very moment, but that's just how intensely joyful I am because its the first time I do something right.
My dad pats me on the shoulder cutting my thoughts, saying we better get going so we won't be so late for my party. Of course there has to be a party, this is the prefect opportunity for my parents to show off their abilities to throw the finest most elegant celebration of all time. I smile and nod saying "okay, I'm going to search for Sarah and we can all leave" " oh you two may go now, your mother and i have something important we need to take care of" my father look at me and then toward my mother. I nod again as I start moving backwards. My mother smiles and says "darling I have something for you, you will find it on your bed, I'm sure the maids have prepared it just as I commended" she half shouted. "Oh and there's something for Sarah as well, just make sure you two look appropriate" my mother adds and I mouth thanking them as I turn around to continue walking through the large beautiful garden.. I take a minute to contemplate the mesmerizing beauty of this campus, I never really had the chance to do so while I always use to rush to my courses. The smell of fresh cut grass attack my nostrils and I take a look down at the vivid green and the colorful flowers. I pass by people; teachers, students and parents, all congratulating me. I smile as the warm barely existing wind brushes my face, the sound of the joyful chipping birds attract my ears and I take a look above admiring the clear cloudless sky. Oh what a lovely day for a lovely girl. I laugh at my thoughts as I look down at my feet.. and out of nowhere I bump into something-"heeey are you blind" a girly giggly voice shouts, this is definitely a someone and I absolutely know who it is. "Believe it or not but I'm actually blind by your beauty" I joke "I see someone has been working on their pickup lines" Sarah laughs. "I've been looking for you! where have you been?" I ask "I was at the open buffet with Liza and Sophia, they're still the boring same but the food was so good though" Sarah laughs "so are you ready to go?" I ask,laughing. "To go? Where? I thought we were going to stay here for a while, you know do our thing that we do good at-" "what? The missionary search for the worst outfit ever?" I say in a weird voice and she laughs, then I sigh and add
"I know babe but we have to leave it for an other time.. My parents are having a party tonight and we have to be there early so we can get ready"
"Oh my god really? I'm so excited! You know I LOVE your parents celebrations, everything is bloody well organized when it comes to them" Sarah is happy dancing at this moment "but what am i going to wear i have nothing at the moment!!" I grab her arm and try pulling her so we can get going. "Can you just shut your gob" I joke cringing my eyes as if I'm annoyed.
We climb into my car buckling up my seat belt as i turn on the radio and roll down the windows.
The white large gates opens wide in front of the car as we make our way through the long road ahead with apple trees in both sides creating a sort of a shadow pattern on the drive way. We reach the stunning cream colored fountain hugged by mini lion shaped bushes. The sound of the running water calmes me down a bit after about the two hours drive through traffic. Sarah and I climb out of the vehicle and I hand my car keys to Omar he will take care of it.
This ancient looking French building always intimidates me.. With it's huge bright celestial white walls it has always been my captivating cell, the place that kept me captured and away from the real world.. But now you're free. You're independent. They can't do that to you any longer. My subconscious reminds me and I smile "what are you smiling at like a fool violet" my friend snaps her fingers near my face and I giggle as a response.
As we enter the spacious entrance hall everyone is working in sync, maids cleaning windows, neatly folding luxurious fabric and preparing dishes and plates. I look towards Sarah who's gobsmacked, she still appears perfect in her purple ruffled silk blouse and her color-washed skinny jeans, her ebony colored locks are still neatly falling on her shoulders unlike me whom I feel like a sweating pig and i bet my soul that my hair is a dying mess at the moment.
We reach upstairs and we head to my old room.. I feel the nostalgia calling for me as I grab the door handle..

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