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The room I use to call mine was still looking as flawless as ever. Bright and spacious.
The floor is carped in a luxurious beige silk. The walls are biscuit colored same as the sumptuous curtains that rest on the enormous windows. In the middle of the room stands a king sized bed covered in brick red bedsheets and mounted with numerous cream and black patterned pillows. Along side the bed sits two elegant black nightstands; one on each side. And in front of it lays a royal mirrored armoire with beautiful little decorations that goes with the same theme. On the ceiling an immense cristal chandelier hanges carelessly from above, offering the place an extravagant authentic impression..
The fresh smell enhance my senses as we take a step inside.
"Violet what is this?" My friend asks as I take a look at what rests on the bed; two dresses and two shoes and a note.
The navy blue dress belongs to Miss Bahi alongside the smaller shoes. Which leaves Miss Johnson with the rest.
The ladies at the spa are waiting for you.
Be ready at 8 PM*
I read loudly for Sarah to hear and she's been squeaking since I started.
I look at my watch; its 5:34 PM, which leave us with two and half hours to get ready.
"who's in the mood for some pampering" I say and Sarah literally pushs me out of the room
"I seriously love your parents Vi" she squeaks again and I giggle.


When we reach the spa that is located underground beside the gym, five beautiful foreign women welcome us in and accompany us to the changing room.
I pick a door of the three wooden doors in this room. I feel sweaty and disgusting so I start off by peeling my floral baby pink dress, it took Sarah and I hours of hunting at the mall to find a dress that was suitable for my graduation day and here I am getting rid of it in less that 12 hours after wearing it and I'll be replacing it with an other soon.


We ened up waxed and facially treated and our nails manicured and pedicured. Now two of the girls are putting the finishing touches on our hair and makeup which look stunning, even though I haven't examined it closely yet.
My eyelids are a smoken deep blue which makes my gray pupils pop out in an attractive way, they seem like ashes of a dying fire by the beach side at night fall.
My eyes look wider and heavy lidded which is a bit contradictory to my usual elongated sets and my lips look more heart shaped when painted in this opulent nude color. .. These girls are actually very talented; my face is usually round but today it has gained some structure thanks to the skillful contouring.


I look at myself in the mirror, my truffle colored hair is neatly-combed in the perfect way and I'm dressed in a midnight blue beautiful chiffon full-length open back dress, embroidered with mesmerizing little details only on the top part and on the stunning transparent long sleeves.

I hear a knock on my door and then it opens immediately and my mother inters; she looks noble in her mocha colored silky dress and her bob cut blondy hair, her eyes are the same gray as mine and with this outfit they seem even brighter "you look stunning mum" i say and she smiles "Ma belle, I hope you liked your dress, you look beautiful" she says with her usual french accent.
My mother has been born and raised in France in a very wealthy family unlike my dad who had to work with his sweat and energy tirelessly to reach the top, and he did. The companies he owns are the top in the market.

I hear an other knob on the door and I yell an enter which gains me a glare from my mother but she softens when she sees how mesmerizing Sarah appears in an off blue lace dress, tight and fitted with little diamanté on the top with a slim silky waistband then it flows down with a netting and a petti on the inside, with a slight shine on the hem..

Her ebony hair is loose on her shoulders and her makeup is done perfectly; a neat line goes above her blue eyes and her lips are a deep shade of red which suit her very much and brings out her features even more.

"Mrs Bahi, thank you so much!! Its so kind of you!" Sarah says enthusiastically and my mother give her a little hug which leaves Sarah a bit chocked because my mother rarely shows affection towards other people "you're one of the family now Sarah" she says as she moves away towards the door. "Excuse me les filles, i'll be right back" she adds.
I half run to Sarah as my mother shuts the door behind her "Oh my gosh Vi you're gonna smash this party you're looking flawless" Sarah states and a goofy smile appears on my face and I say "have you seen yourself yet? Because if you haven't your opinion might change on who would smash it" I wink and she giggles, I really love this girl she's the one who went through hell and trouble with me, she's like the sister I've never had.

My mother returns with a small red velvet box in her hands, she place it on my armoire and open it reveling a bunch of breathtaking jewelries, and she pulls out a glamorous pair of dangle diamond earrings. "Violet, these are yours now" she says handing me the jewels then she look toward Sarah and adds "and this is for you.." my mother hold a goregous looking white diamond and platinum necklace and hands it to my friend. Sarah is in absolute shock that she actually stumbles upon her own words "Mrs Bahi t-this.. This is too.. Too much!! I I can't.. Can't have it"
"Its yours now, enjoy it" my mother says as she storm out of the room.


"Oh blimey! these are soo good! Gimmy an other.. Please" Sarah says as she takes an other purple potato chip with crème fraich and caviar from the waiter's tray.
"Is this really just your graduation party? Its more like a wedding to me" she wriggle her eyebrows questioning and I sigh, I know all of this isn't for me in the slightest way, nothing has been mentioned about my graduation since this party started and now its almost half past ten so it surly must be one of my fathers important deals.. He tend to impress his "guests" or I better say his "work dealers" with his wealth and power before getting them to sign what ever contract there is.
"Violet! I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you" she says fast as she reads the look on my face
"It's alright Sarah I'm used to it" I give her a faint smile and she sighs just as her expression changes from down to spectacle "Wait vi, isn't that the guy that's been stalking us in the mall?!" "And don't turn around he's looking our way" she adds as I stand up from out little table that is a few feet away from the pool and I stand near sarah who is still seated, she gives me a weird look and a laugh escape my lips "what? You said don't turn around!" I say as I bring my eyes up towards where sarah said that guy was, and it's actually him!! The same olived skin, dark haired man with the perfect brows and the piercing eyes from the mall that kept somehow tailing us in every shop we went to and scared us to death so that we ened up staying in the toilets for about ten minutes to see if he would wait on us but he didn't.. he seems somehow diffeent here to what he was like at the mall.. He seems sophisticated.. But the question is what the hell is he doing here? and who is he??

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