Chapter 1- The $10 Million Dollar Beauty

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I looked at my reflection. My long teal hair was in curls that cascaded down my back and my blue eyeshadow highlighted my sky blue eyes. I smiled at my makeup artist. "This is amazing! Thank you." I smiled. She smiled back. "Well I have to do my best to make the 10 million dollar beauty even more beautiful." Mika-san smiled. I smiled back at her. The door opens and my manager comes in. "Are you ready Mayumi? Your almost on." Yuichi-san asked. "Yes! MayuMayu is representing Japan! MayuMayu will do her best!" I exclaimed. "Cute!" Mika-san exclaimed. "Hehehe. Well don't push yourself." Yuichi-san smiled. "Okay!" I smiled but I was beginning to get nervous. Suddenly my trainer Yuriko Ishida-san burst into the room scaring us all. "Listen up Watanabe! You better not mess up! I didn't spend all my precious time training you for nothing!" she exclaimed. I anime sweatdropped and said, "Hai..." Yuichi-san laughed awkwardly and said, "Don't listen to the old lady, what she means is do your best." he giggled. Suddenly we all felt a dark aura. "Who the heck is the old lady!?! I am 21 years old you idiot!" she exclaimed as she kicked Yuichi-san in the shin. I huddled over his dying corpse. " Yuichi-san!" I cried dramatically. "In my mind I think they are the perfect couple but Yuri-oneechan is way to violent I think Yuichi-san will be beaten to a pulp though." I said puroposely out loud. "Excuse me!?!" my annoyed trainer and manager exclaimed. I laughed at their angry blushing faces. "Well guys wish me luck! MayuMayu will do a high jump!" I cheered. "You can do it Watanabe! Kill all the other contestants to win!" Yuri-oneechan exclaimed as there was a violent sparkle in her eyes. We all sweatdropped. "I don't think killing is necessary. Just do your best." He smiled. "Right!" I exclaimed. I tied the laces of my ice skates. "Good luck Mayumi-chan!" I looked back and saw my two best friends Ayaka Hamasaki and Hitomi Koizumi cheering. "Minna! Arigatou! MayuMayu will do her best!" I exclaimed. "Wow! Look at her go! Charoletta jumps and she glides and WOW! A very high jump! That will earn her 8500/9000 karats! Now in the lead! Give it up for America's candidate Charoletta Solano!" the MC commented. The crowd roared. "Tch." I said to myself. Let me explain my actions. Charoletta Solano is America's skating candidate. She's my number one rival who always seems to beat me no matter how frustrating it is! So MayuMayu must beat her with my love power! Well I think I've been watching too many magical girl animes but whatever. I glared at her as she skated off the ice. Her long and glossy red hair was straightened and her kind brown eyes matched her perfect face. "Good luck." she smiled gently. "Well you did good but I will surely beat you one day!" I exclaimed. "But but MayuMayu is a really big fan of Charoletta-san." I smiled. "Thank you." she said. We have one of those respectful rivalries. Charoletta-san is very kind and not capable of thinking of herself as the best but will forever be my rival and respected friend. "Next up is Watanabe Mayumi the $10 million dollar beauty of Japan! Will she win this tournament? Let's see." The MC says. I skated onto stage. "MayuMayu is 100% love love power!" I exclaimed as the music began. (Her song is Tell My World by Hatsune Miku the vocaloid.) I glide on the ice as I try to block out the sounds of the annoying MC. Like does he ever shutup? Okay MayuMayu focus on the show. "There's our Mayumi! She does a low jump and skates perfectly in spirals! Beautiful girl show!" The MC exclaimed. Okay Mayumi your doing good. Let's do this. Jump as high as I can! "Mayumi switch on! She does a high jump and twirls. Wow! So many twirls! Will she win this time?" The MC exclaimed. "Go Watanabe! Fighting!" Yuri-oneechan exclaimed. "Go Mayumi!" Yuichi-san exclaimed. I set out for a final jump. Suddenly I thought of a plane crash and I slipped causing me to fall. "Mayumi!" Yuichi-san exclaimed. "Watanabe!" Yuri-oneechan exclaimed. "Mayumi-chan!" Ayaka and Hitomi exclaimed. "And Mayumi slips! Will she be able to participate next time?" The stupid MC said. I swear I will beat that MC up to a pulp, pour gasoline on him, set him on fire, and throw him off a cliff, therefore leaving him to die in a waterfall. I shouldn't be thinking about this. I'm fainting for heaven's sake! "Oh no Mayumi!" Charoletta called. After that I totally blacked out.

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