Chapter 3- Tomatoes! A Very Useful Fruit!

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I'm Mayumi Watanabe. Due to my blessings of rare beauty and talent I'm called the 10-million dollar beauty of Japan. I'm also a candidate for olympic figure skating! But for some reason I've been possessed by some weirdo Canadian ghost. His name is Itsuki Sato. While he's in my body he shares everything I see and feel! Man it sucks! I wish to have a refund for my privacy! I layed down on my bed with my eyes closed. I turned wishing to get some sleep when I was, might I add, so rudely interuppted by some idiotic ghost. "Good morning Mayumi!" he screamed into my ear scaring the living chicken legs outta me! What? I'm hungry okay! "What an amazing morning right?" he said dreamily. Is shot straight up out of bed and exclaimed, "What do you mean amazing morning!?! It's already been a week since you've possessed me!" I stood up and grabbed my towel and items to take a shower. "Good mornings and good dreams are a thing of the past for me!" I exclaimed. "What are you pouting over. Smile! If you throw a fit you'll ruin your beautiful skin." he said in the weirdest voice ever. My eye twitched and I screamed "SHUT UP! And just WHO do you think is ruining it!?!" I exclaimed. What's up with him? Why does MayuMayu have to deal with this!?! This idiotic ghost is totally screwing up what I call the book of daily life. Whenever I talk to him people look at me like I'm MENTAL! Even children run away from me! And whenever I change I have to close my eyes! And when I practice I'm always distracted and can't concentrate at all! I now personally hate taking baths and going to the bathroom! I sat in the bath as the water tugged my skin. Itsuki and I sat back to back. "If you turn around I'll skin you." I said with a violent glint in my eye. "Hai.." he said as his face turned blue. "Ahh.. Isn't this so relaxing.." he said. I glared at the wall since I wouldn't want to turn around. "Relaxing for YOU! YOU aren't the one being possessed by some stupid ghost!" I exclaimed. "You know ghosts have feelings too!" he said. I giggled as he pouted. I heard a knock on the door. "Mayumi-chan are you done? Breakfast is ready!" Hitomi-chan said. "Hai! I'll be right out!" I exclaimed. I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around my body and I began to dry my hair. After brushing my teeth I left the bathroom and dressed up into my regular clothes. I styled my hair into two seperate low ponytails and quickly ran down the stairs. "Good morning Yuichi-san, Hitomi-chan!" I smiled. "Ohaiyo Mayumi." Yuichi-san smiled. I took my first bite of the omlette rice Hitomi-chan made! "Delicious! Hitomi-chan your food is the best!" I exclaimed as I put my hand in the air. "Arigatou." she smiled. I violently stabbed my fork into the cherry tomato. It always seemed fun! As I ate the tomato I heard a painful groan. Groan? Groan! Yes! It has to be Itsuki! I quickly ran into the kitchen and grabbed a bunch of tomatoes. "Hey Itsuki. You hate tomatoes right?" I asked. He better fess up. "N-No! They're just tomatoes." he said as he smiled awkwardly. "Now be honest. It's for your own good right?" I smiled evilly as I held a tomato in my hand. "S-Scary..." he said. "You hate them right? Itsuki." I spit out his name like venom. He gulped. "I have no idea what you mean." he said. I picked up a tomato. "Then." I said as I smiled and took a big bite out of the tomato. He yelped in pain. "How is it? Still playing dumb?" I asked. "Like I said it's nothing..." he said. I laughed evilly as I began to stuff my mouth with tomatoes. Itsuki cried in pain as he switched expressions. "What's wrong this time?" Hitomi-chan asked. I stopped in my tracks. The tomato juice driping down my chin. "Drowning sorrows in the tomatoes? Is it the stress?" Yuichi-san said concerned. I sweatdropped and turned around. They gasped. I laughed awkwardly and said, "Well, you know suddenly I just had a craving for tomatoes." "Oh I see. No worries." Yuichi-san smiled. "By the way the press conference is tomorrow." he said. "Press conference?" I said confused. "Yes. Forgive me. It's an order from the association." he said. I looked down. "Is that so.." I said. He smiled at me."Don't worry. There's nothing to be afriad of. Also I have a message from the old lady." be assured me. I giggled at the nickname. "To make sure no problems arise right?" I asked. "No it was actually to keep your usual Buddhist statue face.." I sweatdropped. "That hag!" I exclaimed. Yuichi-san giggled. "Well I'm going to go out for a run! I'll meet you at the rink!" I said as I waved. "Alright be careful Mayumi-chan." Hitomi-chan said as she waved. "I will!" I exclaimed as I ran out the door. I put my earphones on and put my music on full blast so I couldn't hear a certain idiotic ghost. "Mayumi." he said. I ignored him and continued to run. "Hey Mayumi." he said again. "Mayumi I'm calling you!" he exclaimed angrily. Geez that damn ghost! I took out one of my earphones and continued running. "What do you want?" I asked. "What's the press conference for?" he asked. "It's about my last tournament. They'll want to ask about MayuMayu's reflections on what happened." I explained. I ignored the weird stares I got from strangers. There are much worst things in the world than a 16 year old ice skater talking to a ghost. Serously! "What do you mean?"he asked. "Fine I'll tell you." I said as I walked into the place where I was going to practice. "There's a reason the mass media hates me." I said as I changed into my pink tank top with a blue sweatshirt and blue sweat pants. "It's because right now just like every four years before the olympics Japan is going through a 'Winter Sports Boom.'" I added as I tightened the grip on my ponytails. "So Japan is that type of country right?" he asked. I nodded. "There are a lot of fans and the press usually gets caught up in it" I said as I laced my ice skates. "I see." Itsuki said as I skated onto the rink. "And among Japan's skaters who aim for the Olympics the competition is usually between me and Hikari Ryouko." I explained as I began to skate. "Hikari Ryouko?" "Yup. No matter how you look at her she is perfect at everything she does." I started. "Her personality on stage is unbeatable. Sometimes it's just frustrating. According to Yuri-oneechan I have no expression. I'm just like a Buddhist statue." I said as I face palmed. Itsuki broke into fits of laughter. His arms clutching his sides as he kicked his legs. It's unbelievable how much energy a dead person can have. This stuff is really frustrating me. NO one messes with MayuMayu. NO ONE! "Shut up or else." I said with a creepily calm smile and a giant tomato in my hand. He gulped and turned away. I laughed as he shivered in fear. And so I continued my explanation. "She is known as the face of Japan. Well, if I participate seriously my technique is a lot better but since you came around I've only had by about four hours of sleep. You heard that. FOUR!" I exclaimed angrily. MayuMayu needs her beauty sleep! He scratched the back of his head nervously. "Gomen ^_^." he said. "Whatever." I said. I skated more quickly and did a triple lutz. "Perfect!" Itsuki exclaimed. I smiled at his comment. That adorable idiot. Wait where did the word 'adorable' come from. He was certainly not any where near adorable. His long blond hair and luminous green eyes made me blush. What's wrong with me. "Mayumi are you okay? Your face is all red. " he asked worried. "I-I'm fine." I stuttered. Why did I stutter? "But then why does the media hate you?" he asked. I sighed as I skated off the rink and drank my water. "It was an event they never forgot. It was at the time of March's world championship. The world championship determines the olympic representatives so it was really important. I was up against Hikari-san. However she didn't show up due to an injury and despite that I was in 9th place. Japan usually got number one but because of me.." I said as I looked down. "So that's what happened.." he said. I nodded as I skated back on the rink. "Because of that we can only send one person. That puts me against her this year." I said as I skated in spirals. "So the mass media made me the scapegoat for Japan's three slots being reduced to one." I said. I jumped up and spinned. "Yahoo! Awesome! I've never skated like this in my life!" he exclaimed. An anime vein appeared on my head. "You're not the one skating." I said. "But its like I'm skating myself." he said as he cheered. I smiled. "Anyways you stopped talking. Please continue. " he said. "Shut up or I wont tell you anything!" I exclaimed. "Fine." he sighed. "So after a while MayuMayu had enough of the reporters, so I told them 'Figure skating is like this!' and stuff like that and told them off." I said. "I can imagine it." Itsuki said as he laughed. "Do you really want me to get a tomato?" I asked sweetly. That shut him up. "So now they compare us based on our personality. According to them I'm Japan's humiliation and Ryouko is the hard worker." I said. "Don't listen to them!" Itsuki says cooly. I blushed. Again.. What is wrong with me? "The Mayumi I know is always working hard. They know nothing about you." he smiled at me. I smiled. "Thank you Itsuki." I swear I just saw him blush. I dismissed my thoughts and focussed on my skating. I started to spin. "Yeah! Spin!" Itsuki exclaimed. "Whatever just try to be quiet." I said. as I posed and skated again. "But that's so rough." "What is?" I asked. "Tomorrow's press conference. And you've always had that kind of person as your opponent." he said. I let my leg stay in the air as I did another tripple lutz. I landed perfectly on the ice and let my hands soar in the air along with one of my legs. "Yahoo!" Itsuki shouted. "I am blessed with rare beauty and talent. I'm not worried about tomorrow." I casually said. "I'll show them that MayuMayu is the number one in Japan" I exclaimed. "This time you better play it safe and smooth until the end." he said. An anime vein appeared on my head. I quickly skated off the ice "What? What? What?" Itsuki asked frightened. I zipped open my bag full of tomatoes. "Watch your mouth you ghost." I said as I started to eat the tomato. His screams echoed throughout my head. It amused me.

(The Day of the Press Conference)

The whole room was full and packed with a lot of photographers and article writers. I sighed. "Are you ready?" Yuichi-san asked me with a smile. "Hai!" I said. "Alright then. Let's go." he said. Suddenly I felt a piercing pain in my stomach. Oh no... I ate too many tomatoes. Itsuki chuckled. "I'll eat another one." I threatened. He laughed awkwardly. "Mayumi are you okay?" Yuichi-san asked. "Uh.. Yeah." I said. "Mayumi-chan. Could it be that audiences make you.." Itsuki smirked. "SHUT UP!" I exclaimed. "I TOLD YOU I'M OKAY! I'M OKAY, DAMMIT!" I exclaimed. Yuichi-san shivered frightened."I-I understand. I understand so please calm down." he said. I sweatdropped. "I really am fine...." I said as I smiled awkwardly. "Now here I go." I said. I walked out to be met by flashing cameras and the media. I sat down in my chair and looked at the microphone with no expression. "Now then the press conference with Miss Watanabe Mayumi shall begin. Keep your questions orderly and brief." "First please give us your reflections on the second round of the grand prix." a reporter asked. "As you all know I tripped. There is nothing else to say about it. That is all." I said with no expression. "What about the result of the unprecedented fall you had?" another guy asked. "The same answer as before." I said. "Do you think your chances in Canada will hurt your chances of being selected for the olympics?" another guy asked. "Well...probably." I said. Yuichi-san looked at me worried. "This is a continuation of what happened at March's world championship right? If you were to be elevated as Japan's representative, that would make some people very concerned wouldn't it?" Why did he ask that. I fought back tears and forced my face to show no expression. "That question goes too far information on the representatives belongs only to the selection comitee." Yuri-oneeechan said as she glared at the man. She smiled as me and mouthed the words 'he is so weird'. That made me giggle a bit but I quickly showed no expression. "All right I'll change my question." the guy said. "What's with those reporters?" Itsuki asked. "They're all making fun of you!" he said angrily. "It's okay. I understand what they're thinking.They're trying to stir things up by harassing me in any way they can." I said. "You must be concerned about Miss Ryouko since it's been arranged that you'all go head to head with her in the next tournament." he said. "I am just concentrating in what I need to do myself. MayuMayu thinks that Ryouko-san is amazing and I would never be on the same level. But Even if everyone hates me. Please don't hate ice skating!" I said. "Mayumi.." Yuichi-san said. "I love ice skating. Yuri-oneechan and Yuichi-san has taught me that ice skating is not about being perfect. It's about how much you love it and I really love it. Even if I don't win I will still love it and even if you hate me.. I will never hate you or iceskating."I said as I began to cry. The press started to take lots of pictures. "Mayumi. You did well." Itsuki smiled. "Hey! You know just because your being nice to me doesn't mean I will give up on you getting out." I said. "Yeah yeah." he said. I yelped in pain. "I can't take this anymore! I ate too many tomatoes!" I exclaimed. I ran as fast as lightening and put on my earphones as I put the volume up. I hurried to the bathroom and closed the door.


Hello everyone!
Gomen ice skating lovers! I am so bad at writing about sports but please don't kill me, I don't have a clue as to what the rules are in iceskating! I hoped you likes the chapter! Stay tuned for the next chapter, Triple the Trouble! Bye!

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⏰ Huling update: Nov 15, 2015 ⏰

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