Long spell 10

5.5K 74 71

(Its a Verry long spell)

You will need the following items for this spell:

1 necklace
1 cup of water
1 pinch of salt (Like, three grains.)
The ability to speak

This spell wil make you a mermaid when you touch water with a necklace on.

1. Put the necklace in the water.
2. Say the spell as many times as you want.
3. Keep the necklace in the water for an hour.
4. Dump out the water.
5. Have fun being a mermaid in 3 weeks!


Mermaids, Mermaids, in the sea,
Mermaids, Mermaids, hear my plea.
Make me a mermaid when I touch water with my necklace on,
And when I take my necklace off, let my tail be gone.
But, I shall not fear, My tail will return when I touch water with my necklace on again, But, it will be gone either when I am dry, or when my necklace is off.
Mermaids, Mermaids, in the sea,
Mermaids, Mermaids, hear my plea.
Make my tail (color) and let it sparkle in the moonlight,
I need powers, to protect myself and others, give me the powers of hydrokenises, hydrocryokenises, hydrothermokenises, gelidkenises, and substanciakenises, so I can protect the ocean, let me use these powers in my mermaid form and my human form. Let me tell people about my mermaid tail and my powers, so they can protect my secret. Please make it so that it doesn't matter whether people see my powers and tail or not, let my tail and my powers stay forever.
Mermaids, Mermaids, of the sea,
Mermaids, Mermaids, hear my plea.
Do this for me in 3 weeks,
So mote it be.

Chance to work: •••oo

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