Distant Cathartic I (Mind 1)

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KING Perseus lay in his palace, surrounded by his family and friends. He had reached the age of 540, old even for an Olympian. His silver beard reached his stomach, and his eyes held the creases of centuries of laughter. He looked up at his great-great-grand daughter, who squeezed his hand, her face glowing with love. The king looked at his table, covered in holo-pictures of his dearest friends. His lieutenants waved from beyond the grave in their frames, and Perseus smiled at the thought of them greeting him from the Elysian Plane. Soon, he would die, and be reborn in the glory of The Elysians, revitalized and rewarded with eternal life.

A murmur passed through the room, and Perseus opened his eyes to the arrival of the royal color guard. An aisle formed as Perseus' large family parted to allow the guard's approach. The guards saluted, and stood aside, revealing The Android standing between them. Perseus' eyes widened, and he smiled, matching the grin already on The Android's face. In a stride, The Android was at the King's side. Kneeling on one knee, The Android took the old man's hand, and beamed at his friend's weathered face.

They spoke deep into the night, Perseus recounting the history of Olympus, thriving and prosperous in the five centuries since he and The Android had fought side by side to free the Kingdom from the madness of General Pyke's tyranny. The Android told Perseus of his adventures, stretching from one end of The Dopinephrine Galaxy to the other. Perseus sat in quiet excitement, devouring The Android's stories like a child, thrilled by the fantastic exploits of his oldest friend. The Android had saved entire civilizations from natural disasters, freed whole races of people from slavery, and rescued ancient creatures from extinction.

As dawn rose on the Capital of Olympus, The king lay old and gray on his deathbed. He began to murmur to himself, his eyes staring blankly at an empty point on the wall. The Android kept his grip on Perseus' hand, and watched the life begin to slip from his face. Perseus stirred, and with a deep breath returned his gaze to the metallic face of his friend. A hint of fear entered his eyes, and then in a flash was gone. In a burst of strength, the king grabbed The Android's arm and pulled him close, pressing his hot forehead to The Android's cold one.

The Android saw Perseus in his mind. The king's voice echoed with power, his words permeating every thought in The Android's head:

"My dear friend, I knew you would come. My time is over, but yours is just beginning. I have but moments; please hear me. Something old is awakening. A darkness unlike any I have ever seen. I can feel Him, at the edges of my dreams, full of rage and hatred. His destruction will end all if you do not stop him. Go, with haste, to the world of Khenti-Amentiu, and prepare for the coming storm.

The galaxy owes you the greatest of debts, and will owe you much more before the end. I cannot repay you, but I offer you my blessing. Take with you the title you deserve. As King, I dub thee ATHLON, Champion Of Olympus. Let all who hear this name know what you have done for my kingdom, and for our galaxy."

When The Android opened his eyes, Perseus' family had returned. The king was weak and exhausted, and The Android took his leave, knowing that now it was time for the private peace of a dignified death. He left the king's residence, still stunned at Perseus' words. The title was a great honor, but The Android's thoughts were of the coming threat Perseus had spoken of.

Trumpets rang out from the Tower of Olympus, marking the death of the king. An era had ended, and another had begun. It was time to go to Khenti-Amentiu, and find what Perseus had feared.

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