Distant Cathartic II (Body 3)

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Working as incredible speed, Athlon partitioned the collection of carefully designed lies Boris had installed, and replaced it with his copy of The Maelstrom's databanks. He made new connections between the Hymnal software and his archives, and began broadcasting the truth of Boris' religious invention to the souls of Heaven. Instead of reinforcing the supreme control of God, Athlon showed the people Boris' story. Heaven saw God's true motives, His hate- promoting tactics, and His war on peace.

Athlon could feel the souls of Heaven listening. Their pre-existing doubts were compounded by the sudden revelations. All singing stopped, and Athlon heard Boris fall to the ground behind him.

Boris roared at the Android, and laboriously rose to his feet. His strength was being sapped by the shaken faith of his power source. Sensing the time for subterfuge was over, Athlon reengaged his control matrix and set the amplification panel to continue the broadcast remotely. Reaching behind him, he ripped the control unit from the back of his head and rose to meet the enraged god.

Boris hit Athlon like a brick wall. They tumbled through a stain-glass window with a crash and plummeted towards the streets of gold below. The two pummeled each other as they fell, Boris' anger fueling his assault. Athlon struck the god with everything he had, the fate of billions flashing in his mind.

They landed hard, sending a shockwave through the city that leveled several blocks of intricate buildings. The amplification panel continued to send images of the truth to the souls who had grown still as they realized what they were being shown. Slowly, a hum rose over Heaven as the people moved to see their bloodied deity wrestling with the metal man.

Athlon felt Boris' strength slipping as the fight continued. Doubt was taking hold in the city, and with each faltering inch of faith, Boris grew weaker. The hum peaked into a roar, and the souls of Heaven converged in the primary court. Athlon broke free of Boris, and moved back against the crowd. Boris poured blood onto the ground, and as the throngs of betrayed souls watched, his face cracked with lines. His skin turned gray, and fell loosely on his bones. He looked around at the accusing faces of his flock, and settled on his back. He closed his eyes, remembering his long life, and limitless ambition. He thought of his crushed glory, and let go of his frail frame, consumed by his exhaustion. In his last moments, he embraced death, moving towards the open arms of eternal sleep. In seconds, he withered into a fragile old man, and collapsed into dust under the murmurs of his former followers.

Silence fell over Heaven, and Athlon felt the eyes of millions on him. For a moment, he tensed, anticipating an overwhelming attack, but the faces around him fell blank, and the souls slowly began rising into the air. Inside the Ares Clef, Athlon felt the relief of the masses, finding true death much more welcoming than eternal life in servitude. The souls slowly began dissipating as they rose above Heaven, each of them finding rest in the void. For many, their final thoughts were of forgiveness towards their fallen ruler.

Athlon flew back to Boris' tower, and sat on the ground. He was saddened by what he had seen that day. He was pleased by the victory, but he mourned for the billions that had died in the name of God. Weariness filled Athlon's mind, and he let himself slip towards a deep sleep, thinking of the message he would spread through the worlds scarred by Boris' lie. It was time to move on from institutional hatred, for the galaxy to reunite as one, unified by shared life. Fear of death would be purged, and a new generation would forget the darkness of the past. As sleep took him, Athlon found comfort in the new dawn of the Dopinephrine Galaxy, and the promise of fresh growth pushing through the blackened earth consumed by the fires of yesterday.

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