Chapter 011

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"Is it true that Jin likes me ?" Irene spoke internally. Without realization, her cheeks started turning red.


Hayeon's POV

Oh my god .. I'm dead .. Jin, jeongmal mianhae .. I .. slipped it out .. sorry .. huhu


-Irene's house-
4:30 p.m

After chatting about many things, Hayeon excuses herself to go home.

"Uh .. Irene ahh .. I'll excuse myself. My omma will scold me." said Hayeon.

"Oh, okay. Let me take you home." Irene said.

"Gwaenchanha .. I'll just walk .. moreover my house is not far away from yours." explained Hayeon while wearing her shoes.

"Really? Hihi .. if you're not busy, come here okay?" Irene said.

"Nae .. oh .. I forgot. Can I have your number?" Asked Hayeon while scratching her not-itchy head.

"Sure ! Wait for a while." Irene said and runs to her bedroom.

After a few minutes, Irene came back, bringing a piece of paper and gave it to Hayeon.

"This is my phone number .. my IG account and twitter is also there .. hihi" said Irene while making a 'V' pose.

"Hihi .. gomawo. Uhmm I'll go home first .. see you tomorrow at school." said Hayeon while waving at Irene.

"Nae annyeongg~" Irene waves back.


-OTP Jin & Hayeon-

"Ssup Jinnie!" Shouted Hayeon.

"Yo ! Ssup Yeonnieeee~~!" replied Jin while shouting.

"That's enough ! You don't need to shout like Tarzan here." teased Hayeon.

"Aigoo .. she started it first but blaming at others." said Jin.

"Hihi .. mianhae Jin .. I .. slipped it out that you like Irene. Jeongmal mianhae Jinnie .." pleaded Hayeon.

"Mwo ?!!! Seriously ?!!" Jin shouted.

"Nae .. mianhae mianhae mianhae !" pleaded Hayeon.

"Yah Seol Hayeon neon jinjja !" scolded Jin.

"Jinnieeeee mianhaeee .. pleaseee" said Hayeon.

"You ! You said we're friends .. but you told my secret .. how ---"


To be continued ..


hey guys .. yeahh another boring chapter ㅅ_ㅅ .. Huhu . Enjoy readingg .. 안녕 ~ .

till then,

with love,  Rinn♥

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