8. A little change

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~Lucy's pov~

I woke up with Natsu clinging on to me. What? I though clinging would be over....weird. I hear a knock on my door and go answer it, of course getting out of natsu's grip, which wasn't easy.

"I have bad news" Erza said. Uh oh.

~at the guild~

"What?!" I yell, shocked. "Yea, it was written over 10 thounsand years ago. there's no telling what's gonna happen. it May even last long before you even mate" Ezra explained.

"Where are the others?" I asked. "Levy went somewere to find an updated one, Gajeel and laxus was tied up." Ezra rpelied. we heard a noise and looked at Wendy, who was crying and trembling. "W-wendy? what's wrong" I asked. "I-I don't wanna get tied up i'm so scared" she replied, shaking. me and Ezra both hugged her. she pushed us away, wiping her tears. "B-but I will. if that's what helps" she said, her voice filled with courage. "Such a brave person" Ezra said, giving her a smile ."Thanks" she said. Levy walked throught the door. "Got it!" she cheered.

Levy spoke, "So let's see, they will attempt to kill any one who even flirts with their mates. They have to mark the mates, if their mates reject them they loose the will to live, and if they don't mate within a couple of days they'll start acting crazy"

"But hasn't it been a of couple days?" lucy asked. They shrugged.

"Maybe they were able to control themselves" Ezra suggested. "Maybe the season didn't even start and we all, even the dragon slayers just thought it did" levy said.

~Wendy's pov~

I gulped hearing all this. I'll go to, its the smart thing to do.

"Shouldn't you guys lock me up
too?" I asked. "Wait what?" Ezra said looking at me. "I don't wanna hurt anyone either...." I added. "But out of all people I think you'll be the one to fight it" Lucy said. I held out my hands like i was getting arrested.  "please, I'm not taking any chances."

They all look at eachother before agreeing.  We walked to the basement were she tied me up to these chains that block out magic.

~Lucy's pov~

I looked at Wendy. She's shaking, and full out crying. I feel so sorry for her. I look over. In all honestly it seems like Laxus snd Gajeel are enjoying this.

"So the little one is joining us? Gihi!" Gajeel chuckled. "Stop crying it's gonna be ok" Laxus comforted. Laxus comforting? The season has changed him.

I can tell she wasn't listening because she din't stop. Someonee was coming down the stairs. I look and see mira coming down, with Natsu?!

"Natsu? You too?" i ask surprised.  "She caught me." he said a growl. He sighed. "But i guess its for your protection too" he said.

~Normal pov~

Wendy stopped crying. "I'm sorry" she said with a sigh.

Three cats then came flying Down. happy and Carla was in tears, and Pantherlily trying not to cry.

"Natsu!!" happy yelled and flew into Natsu, hugging him.  "I'm fine buddy" Nastu assured.

"No you're not! your're chained up! why!?" happy yelled, crying.
"For Lucy's saftey, and all of yours. Please understand happy" nastu said.
Happy sighed and sniffed. "alright, I understand Natsu" he said. natsu smiled. "Dont you mean aye sir?" Natsu chuckled with a smirk getting Happy to laugh.

"Wendy! are you okay?! speak to me child!" Carla cried. Wendy looked at her. "were you crying?! are u ok?" Carla asked."I'm gonna be fine. I Promise." Wendy said with a smile.  "Look at you! It's not fine!" Carla yelled. "Carla, understand that this is for your own good okay? Everyone elses too. Trust me" Wendy said. Carla sighed, wiping her tears. "Fine...... but please stay safe" Carla said. "I will!" Wendy reassured.

"Lily." Gajeel grunted. Pantherlily sighed. "Your're not hurt right?" he asked.

"I'm fine, and you shouldn't be here" "Will you be okay?" pantherlily asked. Gajeel nodded. "Aww look who cares" Gajeel smirked. He was surprised at Pantherlily's action, it was a hug.
"I am your cat aren't i" he said with a smirk. "Gihi! Got that right!" gajeel chuckled back.

With that the exceeds left, and
romeo came down.

"Go! Leave. Why did you even come?" wendy said looking away from him. He came closer.  "They explained. And after this is all over i'll be waiting for you" he said. They shared a simple kiss. An "awww" was heard fron everyone, even the other dragon slayers. They both blushed. "S-shut up!"

"Bye shrimp" Gajeel said.

"I'm not a shrimp bye Gajeel". levy said and give him a peck on the cheeck. Lucy did the same with Natsu. "Take care luce. I wont be in here long" he said. "I hope" lucy chuckled. Wendy started crying again. "Poor girl" Erza sighed. They all left leaving the four dragon slayers in the basement.

Elfman came in, carrying freed who had bruises and cuts all over.

"Freed!?" They all cried. "What happened?" Mira asked.

"L-Laxus" he replied, heavily breathing. "This is explains why he surrendered easily, he must've felt guilty" levy theorized to them. "So he didnt. Ya know...do THAT, did he" erza asked, emphasising the word 'that' "No, i managed to escape, but I passed out. When i awoke i found myself being carried by Elfman" Freed explained. They all sighed in relief. "Thats good" erza chuckled.

They all sighed, wondering if their plan was going to work.

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