22. Will you be my mate?

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Sting arrived at the guild about an hour before Rogue. When Rogue arrived Sting waved, Rogue gave him a death glare back and kept walking.

"What's up with him?" Yukino asked with curiosity. Sting smirked. "I think he's mad at me" "That isn't good though is it?" Roofus asked. "It shouldnt be" Orga added. "No it isn't, but I don't think he'll stay mad....hopefully" Sting sighed.

He looked at Rouge, and called. "Rogue! Come here!!" it was obvious that the shadow dragon slayer heard him, but ignored. "Pleeeeasssee!!!" Sting begged. Rogue sighed and walked to sting, he crossed his arms and spoke, "What?"

"Why are you mad at me? What did I do?" Sting asked, trying his hardest not to smirk in the process. Rogue rolled his eyes and started walking away. Sting grabbed his arm. "Let go!" he hissed. "We"ll be back!" Sting forced Rogue outside.

"Let go!" Rogue yelled, trying to escape Sting's grasp. Sting let go. "Why are you mad?" Sting asked. Rogue sighed. "It's your fault" Rogue hissed. "W-what is?" "you made me fall in love with you! I hate it! You love Yukino! We'll never be together and I hate that!" Rogue sighed again, and started walking away. Sting re-grabbed him.

"Were my hints not clear enough! I obviously love you too!" Sting yelled back. "Well why didn't you say anything?" sting shrugged. "It'd be too weired" he chuckled. Rogue pushed him. "This isn't a joke!" Rogue tried walking away once again, but of course sting wouldn't let him.

"I'm not joking....I love you Rogue" they stares at each other, red eyes meeting blue Eyes. Their vision wasn't the only think that connected, they kissed, pressing their lips together. They both loved it. "Rogue, tonight... We go at it" Rogue blushed. "Baka"

The two went back into the guild, and joined the gang. "So are you two mates now or what?" Orga asked. "Orga!" Roofus and Yukino yelled, but both equally as curious to know the answer. Sting smiled. "Will you be my mate?" "Of course, will you be mine?" "Duh!" sting rapped his arms around his new mate in a hug. Rogue blushed. "Baka"

"New memories!" Roofus sang, getting a chuckle from everyone.

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