Chapter one : The sister

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20th December 2018

Satoru leaned against a wall, the weight of his responsibilities pressing down on him. His voice was light, but there was an undercurrent of regret.

Satoru: Hey, it's me. Unfortunately, I think I'm going to have to cancel our plans this Christmas. There's something I need to settle here in Tokyo.

Inaudible chatter crackled through the phone, the familiar sound of Saori's voice pulling at his heartstrings.

Satoru: No, it's no biggie. I promise to make it up to you this New Year's Eve.

Inaudible chatter continued, but he could hear her disappointment even from miles away.

Satoru: Saori, remember what I promised you

A sense of longing filled the space between them, one that only the holiday season could amplify.

1 year and 6 months later... July 2020

Satoru's tone shifted to urgency as he dialled his next call.

Satoru on the phone: Megumi!! Are Yuji and Nobara with you? Mind putting me on speaker?

Megumi: Okay, what's up?

Satoru: Good. There's a mission I need you three to handle. I was supposed to go myself, but family matters came up. I trust three first-grade sorcerers can handle this.

As Megumi, Yuji, and Nobara arrived at the site, a sense of unease loomed in the air.

Yuji: So this is where our mission takes place, huh?

Megumi: Yeah, there have been reports of twenty disappearances around here in the past month.

Nobara: Ugh... I can't believe I cancelled my spa appointment for this. He'd better make it up to me.

Frustration mingled with determination as Megumi gestured for them to move.

Megumi: Come on, let's go. The entrance should be this way.

The trio walked on, but an unspoken tension hung in the air.

Yuji: Hey, Megumi, you've known Gojo the longest, right? Do you know anything about his family?

Megumi: Not really. He never talks about them. I think it's because they didn't really raise him. His parents moved overseas when he was young, and he was handed over to the clan elders.

Yuji: I see... So he doesn't have any siblings?

Instead of answering, he deflected the question.

Megumi: I think we should split up to cover more ground.

Nobara and Yuji: Right!

A few hours later

The mission took a dark turn. Megumi was flung back by a curse, crashing into a brick wall, the air knocked from his lungs.

Megumi: This is bad. My organs have been punctured, and my whole body hurts. Maybe this is it... Maybe this is how I die.

His thoughts spiralled as a figure rushed toward him.

Stranger: Oh my god, are you okay?! You're bleeding! Hang on!

Megumi: Who is that? Is it a civilian? Run! You're going to get yourself killed!

His vision blurred as he tried to comprehend the scene. The stranger's silver-white hair glinted, a striking similarity to Gojo.

Jujutsu Kaisen : The Hidden Gojo Sister/ MEGUMI X OCWhere stories live. Discover now