I slowly wriggle out of his embrace.
I feel the presence of another, as if someone is standing behind me.
I turn and see Mario.
His face is implacable, as if he's playing poker - you can't make out anything, no clue whether he's friendly or unforgiving, maybe even dangerous.
"It's time to go," he says coldly and firmly. I look at Jack, who just nods slightly. Without a word, he motions for me to follow Mario. I feel as if I am being half-coerced.
I walk sleepily around the plane.
My body feels heavy and tired, as if all this time sleeping, taking medication and travelling has completely exhausted me.
I feel like I could sleep for two days in a row - all the tension of the last few days has finally worn me out.
I follow Mario to the black Range Rover waiting for us. Without saying a word, he opens the door and I slide into the leather seat. Jack sits on the other side and quietly closes the door behind him.
"Where are we going?" I ask, knowing the answer.
"To my house in the Hollywood Hills," Jack replies, looking straight ahead.
"How many houses do you have?" I ask, trying to break the awkward silence.
"A few... I'm not sure," he replies coldly, not looking at me, his eyes still fixed on the distance.
"Are you always this thin-skinned? I don't know anything about you and I'm supposed to trust you?" I snapped angrily and looked out of the window, trying to avoid his cold expression.
I see Mario's reflection in the rear-view mirror, he looks tense, as if he's controlling everything, maybe even expecting my outburst.
The anger inside me begins to rise.
Here I am, in America, with someone I barely know.
A stranger who has stunned me, brought me across the ocean and now won't tell me even the most basic things about himself.
Jack, in his thirties - I can't even remember exactly.
How can I trust him when the only thing he has told me about himself is his name?
Apart from the fact that our chemistry is undeniable, I want to know more about him. This attraction between us is not enough to satisfy my curiosity or allay my doubts.
I want answers.
I won't stop until he tells me more about himself.
He may think he can keep me in the dark, but I have other plans.
There is too much mystery, too much ambiguity in him for me to just look away.
I look at him again, this time with determination. "You thought that would be enough?" I think to myself. "You still don't know who you're dealing with."
Although the thought of Jack being Don frightens me, I rarely think of him that way. To me, he is just Jack - the handsome man every woman wants. I'm not as interested in his status and power as I am in the chemistry that binds us.
"I'm not always so thin-skinned, I've just had a long day," he replies with a surprisingly soft voice. It's strange that he adds anything at all, as he usually keeps to himself and avoids explanations.
"Right," I say, more sharply than I intended, "if you're feeling up to it, will you tell me why on earth you had to inject me with that medicine?" I work up the courage to look him straight in the eye, determined not to back down until I have an answer.

Love Games
Romance**In the heart of Sicily, Sarah Becker sought refuge in the quiet aisles of a local library, where she found comfort in the routine of her life.** After another failed relationship, all she wanted was peace and stability-a chance to live simply, awa...