Fairytale Dream and Misunderstood Villain

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S he is that fairytale dream everyone wants but he is that nightmare no one wants.
S he is heroine of everyone's life while he is the misunderstood villain.
F airy tale dream, so pure and bright, shining in the dark of night.
A ll eyes on her, so full of grace, a smile that lights up the space.
I n the shadows, he lurks alone, misunderstood, with heart of stone.
R eady to be judged, ready to blame, without a chance to clear his name.
Y et in his eyes, a spark of pain, a story lost in the pouring rain.
T wo souls intertwined, but worlds apart, a tragic tale from the start.
A s she dances in the spotlight's glow, he fades away, lost in the show.
L ost in the darkness, forgotten and feared, the misunderstood villain, his fate sealed.
E choes of a love never known, a connection deep, but never shown.

 E choes of a love never known, a connection deep, but never shown

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