Knowing that he loves u

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So I walked with cam to my house I hugged him and said bye I went to my room and Lex was there sitting on my bed.

Skyler's p.o.v.
What are u doing here this is my room not yours exactly why and how did u get in it was locked.

Lexie's P.O.V.
Hello um my bobby pin I opened it like that and I'm here for u and Cam he's in the back yard waiting for u I told him to come.

"What u are so crazy" Sky said "not really it seems he likes u and I'm going to get him for u ok" Lex said.

"Um fine let me go change thoe ok" Sky said "ok but dress nice and pretty "Lexie said.

Dresses and puts hair in pony tail puts hoodie on goes to the back yard and takes a deep breathe looks at him goes to him.

Cam's p.o.v.
Stands up oh hey Sky um I need to tell u something very important ok.

Skyler's p.o.v.
No u dont I do look I know I was being a fool and mean to u but im so sorry for everything I did to u and well don't worry for me because when u see me again I'll be out of your life ok.

Leaves Cam's p.o.v- gets her shoulder no I'm not saying bye to you gets her waste u are the only one I love and I'm not going to say bye to that.

Skyler's p.o.v.
0.0 wow um this is so awkward but I did not treat u the good way and there are more girl out there for u.

Cam's p.o.v.
No because this is how much I like u kisses her.

Lexie's P.O.V.
Texts Brandon me - Brandon come over now this is getting good Brandon - I'm on my way ok.

Brandon's p.o.v.
Goes to the room hey Lex oml the are kissing why are they kissing this is disgusting.

No its not he grabbed her waste and kissed her is wiered and creepy Lexie said

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