Shadows & Lights 3

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The night breezed on, transforming the vibrant city of Seoul into a realm of twinkling lights and gentle murmurs. The riverside café buzzed with life, but the five members of TXT felt absently detached from it. Taehyun had departed, leaving a palpable void behind; his absence pierced like a cold wind cutting through their warmth.

As they sat in an awkward silence, Beomgyu fidgeted with the edge of his drink cup, creating patterns in the condensation. The laughter of other customers faded to mere background noise. "You know, he might not come back tonight," Yeonjun said finally, breaking the stillness."No, he will," Soobin responded quickly, an instinctive hope lacing his words. The truth, though, gnawed at their hearts; Taehyun's commitment was unwavering, but at what cost?"He's probably being told what to do again," Hueningkai murmured, his tone reflective, eyes cast downward. "It feels like he's getting further and further away from us."Each member nodded, acknowledging the uncomfortable truth. The group sat together, albeit mentally adrift, the joys and simplicity of their outing slipping like sand through fingers."Do you think we're all starting to lose sight of what matters?" Beomgyu posed, his voice barely above a whisper, eyes searching the faces of his friends. "I miss the days when we just had fun dancing together without all the... pressure.""Yes! We need to bring back the joy," Soobin urged passionately. "It's not just the schedules and work that's exhausting us; it's the lack of connection to why we started this in the first place.""You mean friendship?" Yeonjun asked, tilting his head, eyebrow raised playfully although the serious tone reverberated beneath."That's part of it!" Soobin grinned. "But we also need fun, creativity, being real—just us! Without any corporate demands or expectations hanging over our heads. We have to laugh together, again.""I know a place," Hueningkai spoke up, words bubbling forth. "That historic arcade downtown! It's a good spot to let off some steam. You guys remember it?""Yeah! Those racing games and the claw machines!" Beomgyu's eyes sparkled in delight. "That sounds amazing! Can we really do that?""Let's ask Taehyun when he gets back—maybe he'll agree to it!" Hueningkai said, excitement igniting his eyes. Suddenly, a faint buzzing broke through the air. Yeonjun glanced at his phone, its screen flashing with messages from Taehyun—probably a brief question about their whereabouts. He hesitated but felt the urge to share the idea. "Let's send him a message and propose this break. Just make it casual; no pressure."It took only moments for the message to be composed, but as they clicked to send, unease twitched in Beomgyu's gut. "What if he doesn't want to?""Then we'll just go and be silly without him," Soobin replied matter-of-factly. "We can show him it's important. He'll join us if he sees we're actually having fun." The minutes stretched endlessly, each second another thread of anxiety weaving tightly in them. It wasn't long before Taehyun's response pinged through, and they leaned in together. When they saw his message read, "Sounds great! Be there soon," a collective cheer erupted amongst them, hope reinflating their spirits as if they were a balloon released from a grip."There's our maknae!" Yeonjun winked, and the group decided on the venue.In less than half an hour, they left the café, laughter bubbling beneath the surface once more as they hurried toward their destination. The streets of the city were alive with energy; every corner turned revealed a new sensory delight—eccentric street performers, food stalls wafting sweet smells, and the distant sounds of music filling the air. At the arcade, the usual cacophony of eager voices, beeping machines, and laughter enveloped them. Digital lights twinkled playfully against the backdrop of the dim interior. Refreshing freedom thrummed through their veins as they dove into the crowd, unburdened for those fleeting moments."Alright, let's see who's still got their racing skills!" Yeonjun challenged, leading them to the racing arcade machine. The group immediately gathered, igniting their competitive spirits."Nobody's beating me!" Hueningkai declared, gripping the simulation steering wheel. Soon they were all immersed, laughter mixing with the machine's choreographed sounds. The tension of the past week hollowed out, replaced by rising joy as they each took turns. As the race unfolded, Taehyun entered the arcade but paused, observing from a distance. Seeing his friends being so carefree brought warmth flooding back into him. Solitude enveloped him since that morning's meeting, but now, engrossed in the camaraderie, his heart softened. "Hey, Taehyun!" Beomgyu called, spotting him. "Come on, join us! You're just in time for the next round!" Something inside Taehyun cracked, the weight dissipating as he stepped forward, blending back into their orbit of light. With each race, the smiles grew infectious, laughter peeling through the air like music. They were a unit once more—the chaos of their ambition lost in moments of shared joy amidst wildly vibrant pixels."Finish your lap like there's no tomorrow!" Yeonjun shouted, dramatic flair in his voice. Taehyun rolled his eyes playfully at the theatrics, but it warmed the cracks of his heart, filling the void that had crept in."I can't believe I used to think I'd be the best at this game!" Taehyun laughed, throwing his hands up in mock defeat as a cartoonish crash sounded upon losing.After races that cost them pride, they found themselves magnetically drawn to the claw machines, slinging coins impatiently and fighting over plush toys. Hours spiraled forward as they created rich memories, savoring the simplicity of youth.Late into the night, when their laughter seemed about to burst into the air, Hueningkai spotted a lost cat darting around the nearby alleyway. His heart melted as they all converged around the tiny creature, eyes lighting up with spontaneous curiosity."Should we help it?" he asked, looking to Soobin, always the one to offer warmth."We should at least try," Soobin replied, his heart swelling with compassion.In their common mission to help the feline, they carefully lured the scared creature closer—a perfect living metaphor for their struggle to reclaim connections they'd nearly lost. Fingers brushed brows and hues of tenderness folded around their hearts.Finally, the cat, a small ball of fluff, timidly approached Hueningkai, who knelt low, offering gentle hands and soft murmurs. Just like that, they found a shared purpose outside of their demanding routines. Embracing the moment felt like stepping into a small universe they created solely for their hearts.Once they had ensured the cat found safety, laughter erupted anew as they snapped selfies with the little creature. In every photo, no judgments, no worries about the future—only now, bound by friendship and living moments.The night left them with sore cheeks from grinning, their hearts surprisingly lighter than when they'd arrived. As they stepped back outside, the cool night air embraced them, cleansing away fatigue and doubts. "Thank you for tonight, everyone," Taehyun finally spoke up, and though he was always a calming presence, the blend of exhaustion and happiness danced through his words. "I really needed this.""No more meetings tonight, okay?" Soobin grinned. "Let's just ride this wave for as long as we can."As they began walking back, Beomgyu sidled beside Taehyun, hesitating. "You know, it's important that we take care of each other. I don't want this to become just a routine—let's keep doing this, opening up?" Taehyun smiled at the suggestion, that familiar warmth blooming. "I'll try. I really will, for all of us."And even as they walked the cold streets of Seoul, laughter warming them against the chill, there was an unspoken understanding growing between them. The next morning brought its typical pressures, but they felt different, reinforced by the memory of the night. Comfort radiated anew—a reminder that while paths diverged and fame continued to tug them deeply, they were still an unbreakable bond of friends. Together, they began to reclaim their joy in performing, in creating, dedicating time to craft music and dance that felt true to themselves—new songs reflected not just the pressures they faced but the warmth and comfort of each shared experience. Thus, an awakening unfolded; celebrations no longer conjured solely by the stages they graced but birthed within the essence of their humanity, their stories interwoven, elemental and beautiful in its imperfection. Beneath the sun hanging high above Seoul, on the cusp of their next journey, they realized perhaps in the pursuit of success, they had been forgetting the only treasure worth running after—each other. While difficulties awaited, they were highly equipped; they would face them together, vividly alive in the rhythms of brotherhood. For it was not just about fragments of the future, but the blossoming reality of being grounded, nurtured in kinship, ever in motion towards something bright and beautiful... together. And as with all stories beyond boundaries, this was merely the beginning of a long, adventurous road that stretched onward into the brilliance of tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01 ⏰

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