Backstage Secrets

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Sun finally entered the backstage, where he was supposed to be. Jesus, he's already experiencing a stalker on his job? Just how crazy is this? Would Moon even believe him?

Sun sighed, cooling down his head since the racing thoughts became too much. How the hell is he going to focus on his job when he feels like he's being watched? 

He was snapped out of his thoughts when he felt a hand on his shoulder, making him jump. He turned around to face the person who touched him was none other than Bloodmoon.

Sun squeaked, "O-Oh! H-hi there! I didn't...notice you..heh.." He mumbled out in nervousness. Seriously, why does this guy even need a bodyguard?!

Bloodmoon just stared at Sun before smirking. "You're cute when nervous." He suddenly said before walking pass Sun, going to check out the outfits he has to perform in. Oh right, he's a glamrock, completely forgot about that..wait a minute..DID HE JUST CALL ME CUTE?!

Bloodmoon scoffed, looking annoyed now, "..These outfits are ridiculous." He snarled out a bit before looking back at Sun, "Hey, do something useful around here and go fetch the stylist." Bloodmoon spoke with a growl, giving Sun the chills. 

"R-Right, on it-!" Sun squeaked out before immediately leaving backstage, leaving Bloodmoon alone. This guy calls me cute and then orders me around like a slave? what a douche!

As Sun walked away, Bloodmoon couldn't help but stare as he walked away, more specifically, at Sun's ass. "Damn...I just can't look away now, can I.." He chuckles, opening his phone again to stare at the pictures he takes of Sun.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30 ⏰

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