Sour Sweetness

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Was the first thing that was on Isobel's mind the first time she saw, or rather noticed Trevor.

He was looking at specifically nowhere in the school's canteen that's supposedly somewhere with a scowl on his face like he had eaten something sour.

Isobel was eating her cheesecake happily as she tried her best to follow Maia's chirpy voice as she retold how last night she had doodled Oliver's face with a red permanent marker that left a stain on his face, but as her eyes fell on a certain guy with a scowl on his face in the table just in front of hers, her favourite cheesecake suddenly didn't taste that tasty anymore.

She frowned. And wondered why it was sour like that guy with a scowl on his face.

"Hi," Isobel finally said when Maia had left her for her news hunt.

There was something about her that made Trevor's heart fluttered at the first glance. Maybe it was the light on her eyes that danced, maybe it was the kind smile, maybe it was her sweet voice. Or maybe it was from the fact that she was nothing like him.

She was sweet. He was sour.

"Is the seat open?" Trevor had the urge to smile right then but all he did was grunted he didn't know why.

"Ookay..So, what's your name?" She turned to smile at him right after she had seated herself.


She didn't even question the fact that Trevor didn't ask her name back. Instead she said, "I'm Isobel," He liked that.

For the few months to come, when Isobel passed by Trevor by the hallway, she smiled. It wasn't the flirty smile Trevor usually get from girls, it was a gentle carefree type of smile. He liked that.

Trevor couldn't help but noticed her everywhere. She was a shy sweet girl with a big heart. He liked that.

They even managed to bond every now and then,

"Trevor!" She would always say, hands waving up in the air.

"Don't tell me there's another bakery down the street," he grumbled but his eyes would have that twinkle he didn't know why.

"No! But there's this ice cream shop on Avenue Street. I tried it yesterday," her eyes popped out as the excitement danced on her eyes.

"Was it that tasty?" Trevor raised his brow.

"Duh, I wouldn't bring you if it wasn't."

"Alright alright," he kissed her on the crown of her head. It was when Isobel's sweet strawberry scent shampoo became all he could comprehend, it sank in and he finally realized what he just did. For a second, he couldn't breathe. His mind went numb. Everything blurred and all he knew was how Isobel was sweetness embodied in everything that was her . -And when he saw the blush that crept on her face he swore he enjoyed it.

Trevor let out a hearty laugh he didn't knew he had.

Isobel looked at Trevor with a look Trevor didn't understand.

"What is it?"

She shook her head, "Nothing."

"You're just sweet," this time she kissed his cheek and Trevor felt his heart expanse in one breath.

Trevor wanted to say it wasn't him who's sweet it was her. But instead all that happened was a silly grin spread across his face.

Until one time when Isobel walked down the hall with her friends. Time seemed to stand still in his eyes. The earth was a colour brighter. The sounds lost in his ear. And when her eyes finally landed on him, he heard his own heartbeat. She automatically gave him a grin and his heart was filled with a sense of belonging like he was home. Like Isobel was home. He smiled back, he could feel his eyes lit up on its own accord. It was then he realised, he loved her. It freaked him out because for a guy like him, how could Isobel love someone sour like him? She was sweet.

"Hi," it was the usual cheery smile Isobel always gave him.

"What happen?" She frowned and for a second Trevor had the urge to smoothen it.

"Um, nothing."

"Are you sure?" She asked concerned.


"Okay, I sure do hope it was just because you're sour," she teased but Trevor felt his heart clenched.

You're sour. He was sour. He didn't need a reminder of how sour and sweet don't mix together.

"Erm, I need to go."


"Trevor you've been avoiding me for like 5 days," Isobel gave a hard look, with her hands on her hips.

Then suddenly her jaw dropped, "you're not PMS-ing are you?"

"What? NO."

But Isobel surprised him when she gave out a laugh that made his inside churned and his heart warm instead, "I was just joking."

She was beautiful. Trevor wanted to tell her even more so than every other day.

"So, I'm going to have my first drama recital next week. It's a classic," Trevor looked at how Isobel's face practically lit up from the excitement like she was about to burst. He had practically understood that for Isobel, drama was the definition of happiness.

"Will you come?" Suddenly she turned shy.

Trevor wanted to, he really did but watching her and her sweetness would only remind him how sour he was.

"I don't think so," he grimaced.

Her face fell, "Oh." Trevor wished he could take his words back.


"Are we okay?" Isobel squeaked out.

Were they okay? Trevor felt a pain on his chest. No. They weren't okay, he wanted to say. Because after all Trevor was in love with her and he was sour.How could she love him back? All he could ever did was seeped away her sweetness when she was the only thing that made him smile and filled him with lightness.

At the end he decided to voice out his thoughts. He didn't dare to meet her gaze, "Isobel I'm sour."

"And so?" Isobel was confused.

"Trevor. I don't hate you and your sourness. I think I even quite like them,"

Trevor stood frozen, "you did?" He felt his heart beat a little bit lighter. And the world turned drastically brighter.

Isobel closed their distance and let out a sigh of relief, " Trevor,you scared me."

"Don't stop looking at me like that," she continued.

"Like what?" His eyes took a soft turn.

"Like that. Like I am the treasure you never have."

Trevor looked amused for a while but all he did was kiss the crown of her head like he always did, "Never."

Isobel hid her face on his shoulder blades, "Good. Because I like you," she murmured.

Trevor couldn't help but brought his hands to her face and pulled away. He wanted to look at her face. "Yeah?"

She blushed under his gaze and Trevor smiled so wide he was afraid it fell, "Good. Because I love you."

This time Isobel met his clear warm gaze, and she knew he was telling the truth it set her heart on fire.

"Yeah? I love me too," Isobel laughed.

"Was it the wrong reply?" She pretended to think.

Trevor said nothing and instead he pressed his forehead against her then he brought his lips closer. And as it danced across hers she finally pulled away and sighed in between, "I love you alright," Trevor kissed her again and found himself smiling against her sweet lips.


Sour SweetnessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora